I have the table users and the table posts, need to copy the same information from a column of table users to a column of table posts, for example I have this code:
SELECT posts.*, users.username
FROM posts
inner join users on (posts.user_id = users.id )
which brings me a query of exactly what I need, but in my php project I need this column to be created, to be able to visualize it by my html.
One more example to help in understanding my question, if I run the code:
ALTER TABLE articles ADD COLUMN user_id INT(11);
he can create exactly what I need, but with the field "id" which is in the users table, but only with the "id", if I make the same code with the field I need, which is the username: "user_username", returns me null.
I’m not sure I understand, but your case seems to be solved by creating a View
– user28595
It was not clear the question, what is your question exactly ? Popular the table with the code information of the user who wrote the article ? What kind of relationship the Articles table has with that of posts and users?
– Felippe Tadeu