How to remove all data traces in the google search cache?


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I have already disabled the indexing (robots.txt) and already made the insertion of meta tag (<META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">) in the <head> of the page, but when I search on my site to see if there is any trace of data on google search, I realize that there is a lot of information there still.

there is another way to remove all my website information at once? i know of the existence of this link:

however, it is necessary to add link per link.

  • You want to remove your site from the Google search?

  • When you made these adjustments?

  • I made the modifications in mid-October. when I search "name of my site + name of the person" the data appear in cache form (are given before October). are some sensitive data.

  • Tried to test in browser of other people who never accessed the site?

  • how so? is in google search I do the search

  • The reindexation time can be up to 1 or 2 weeks from what I remember. Get better informed about this, but I assure you that the modifications do not happen in the act, you will have to wait a few days...

  • no more data from October 20 to here (when I did the indexing), the problem is the old data, all are still there and are enough. if I remove one by one, it will take a lot of work.

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1 answer


Just as an observation, it’s not possible to say for sure how google works, we can only interpret the information in the documentation on google so I’ll just be leaving a hint of what might be causing it

What we know from the documentation

First of all, robots.txt only indicates that google should not index your site, but if the site is already indexed the documentation does not indicate that it would be enough to remove this content.

The use of the goal noindex will prevent google from indexing your site, but for that he needs to be able to see this tag, if you use robots to block the page he will never see this tag.

So what might be going on

One possibility is that when google tries to fetch updated content from your site they come across robots.txt that asks it not to index the site, and as google respects your request it doesn’t even see if the content of your page has changed.

But google already has an indexed page of its own, and this page that it has indexed in its cache has no information that it should not be there, which may be what is making google keep your page in its searches.

What could solve the problem

Maybe what you need to do is not stop google’s Crawler from checking your site, on the contrary maybe allowing it to do so temporarily can cause your problem to be solved.

Removing robots.txt to allow it to try to fetch these same pages it already has indexed will cause it to find the goal noindex, and allowing it to update its cache by removing the old page.

If this works and no more results appear from your pages you can go back to robots.txt to decrease the requests to your site from google’s Google Corporation.

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