Code First and Calculated Fields


Viewed 708 times


I have a class Pedido, which has a calculated field, which is the order value, composed of the sum of the items minus the discount.

public class Pedido
    public ICollection<PedidoItem> Itens { get; set; }

    public decimal ValorDesconto { get; set; }

    public decimal ValorPedido
        get { return this.Itens.Sum(e => e.Quantidade * e.Valor) - this.ValorDesconto; }

public class PedidoItem
    public int CodigoProduto { get; set; }
    public decimal Valor { get; set; }
    public decimal Quantidade { get; set; }

But if I try to do a query with lambda or Linq by filtering the order value directly, I will get an error.

// Linq nao reconhece ValorPedido
List<Pedido> pedidos = db.Pedidos.Where(p => p.ValorPedido > x).ToList(); 

I could do:

List<Pedido> pedidos = db.Pedidos.ToList().Where(p => p.ValorPedido > x).ToList()

But this second approach will bring all database requests to filter in memory, which may be bad for performance.

I could do a Linq, grouping, and adding, which would generate a more performative query but I would be repeating the logic already existing in the Value property of the class Pedido.

Entity 7 is able to interpret ValorPedido or the ValorPedido would have to have a set, and my application feed this attribute(but there are those who say that it should not store calculated fields)?

A Rigger would also solve, but I would be stuck with the SGBD, for example, I could not change the Provider only. Is there something to be done or is this a limitation of the ORM and period?

  • By coincidence I was seeing about it today. And from what I understand, you don’t have much to do.

  • See

2 answers


Unfortunately, what you want can’t be done this way, because when running a Where in the context items returns a Icollection, and in this case the data will only be brought to the application when you give a ToList() or select the desired data.

So when you call the calculated field directly from IQueryable it cannot calculate because the data is not loaded in memory.

What you can do is implement a property with the attribute DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed and implement database logic.

See example in the link below:

  • What a thing! I’ve researched it several times, and never found it. Thank you

  • creating the initial migration as said in the example, and changing the column that should be computed meets my need not to have to load scripts and run in the installations.

  • but I need to see what I’m going to do yet. It looks like the computed field is for fields in the table itself. The discount value is in the order table, but the sum of the items is not.Anyway it is very useful this information. I will work on it

  • @Murilo In this case, then, I advise you to create a View for this case, in this way, besides being better organized, it would be much more performatic, see example: think about this better.

  • 2

    Yes and no. + 1 for the calculated field approach, but Itens is not a IQueryable<>: is a ICollection<>. Just need to be loaded first to work. I’ll put an alternative.

  • Good Gypsy, anyway I will edit the answer to get more complete.

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It is possible to do this way, but some care is needed:

1. Inform the Entity Framework that the property is not bank mapped

If it does so:

public decimal ValorPedido

2. Calculate only when there are elements, treating exceptions

public decimal ValorPedido
        try {
            return this.Itens.Sum(e => e.Quantidade * e.Valor) - this.ValorDesconto;
        } catch {
            throw new Exception("Coleção não inicializada corretamente");

The idea explaining this to you is to show what you can do, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right way to do it. The right way I put it below.

But if I try to do a query with lambda or Linq by filtering the order value directly, I will get an error.

List<Pedido> pedidos = db.Pedidos.Where(p => p.ValorPedido > x).ToList();

This does not work because you are mixing mapped field logic with unmapped field logic. You need to have the following to work:

List<Pedido> pedidos = db.Pedidos
                         .Include(p => p.Itens) // Carrego antecipadamente Itens. É equivalente a um JOIN.
                         .AsEnumerable() // Aqui resolvo o select, e o Where abaixo passa a funcionar.
                         .Where(p => p.ValorPedido > x)

Obviously this will give some performance problem depending on the size of the tables Pedidos and Itens. You can filter with the Sum() within the consultation thus:

List<Pedido> pedidos = db.Pedidos
                         .Include(p => p.Itens) // Carrego antecipadamente Itens. É equivalente a um JOIN.
                         .Where(p => p.Itens.Sum(e => e.Quantidade * e.Valor) > x)

Entity 7 is able to interpret Requested Value?

By mistake, we conclude that.

Is there something to be done or is this a limitation of the ORM and period?

It’s an approach problem. You’re trying to use the framework in a manner not foreseen by him.

  • 1

    thanks for the answer. I will think more about the way I approach this type of problem with the Entity.

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