I divided my page with a grid, where the smallest part I put items q direct to page locations, I wanted to know how to let this smaller fixed part and the scroll work only in the largest part of the page where all the content is. So when I click on an item in the smaller part it directs the page to the respective place of the item and the items continue to appear in the smaller part of the page. Notice in the images that when I click on the local item on the side it directs the page to the respective location but the items are in the same place as the page...
.fixa {
positionf: fixed;
overflow: hidden;
<ion-view view-title="TESTE" title="Locations" hide-back-button="true">
<ion-nav-buttons side="left">
<button menu-toggle="left" class="button button-icon icon ion-navicon"></button>
<ion-content delegate-handle="content" class="padding" overflow-scroll="true">
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-33 fixa">
<section ng-controller="PageController">
<div class="list">
<a id="location-0" ng-click="scrollToAnchorWithinCurrentPage('location-1')" style="border-left-color: white; border-right-color: white; font-size:20px;" class="semBorda calm item item-icon">
<i style="font-size:25px;" class="ion-ios-briefcase calm"></i>
Dados do Profissional
<a class="semBorda calm item item-icon" style="border-left-color: white; border-right-color: white; font-size:20px;" ng-click="scrollToAnchorWithinCurrentPage('location-2')">
<i style="font-size:25px;" class="ion-home calm"></i>
<div class="col">
<a id="location-1" style="font-size:23px;" class="semBorda calm item item-icon-left" >
<i style="font-size:60px;" class="ion-ios-briefcase calm"></i>
Dados do Profissional
<a id="location-2" style="font-size:23px;" class="semBorda calm item item-icon-left" >
<i style="font-size:60px;" class="ion-home calm"></i>
Post photos and parts of the code to make it clearer.
– Tiago P.C