toastr does not appear


Viewed 465 times


I am using a form inside a bootstrap modal. It makes a record in the database and returns the message whether or not it has registered. I have inspected the element several times and everything is right. Except for a jquery plugin called toastr that does not appear. How can I check if this plugin (which is a notification plugin) is working, since all information go back and forth via Ajax?

Follow the plugin link I’m using

Follow my codes:

php student.

// continuação do código
success: function (result) {
    var retorno = JSON.parse(result);
    var tipo = retorno[0].tipo;
    var msg = retorno[0].mensagem;

    if (tipo == 'success') {
      } else if (tipo == 'error') {



require_once '../class/Conexao.php';
require_once '../class/Aluno.php';

$nome = utf8_decode($_POST['nome']);
$matricula = utf8_decode($_POST['matricula']);
$anosemestre = utf8_decode($_POST['anosemestre']);

try {
    $conexao = new Conexao();

    $aluno = new Aluno();
    $ano = date("Y");

    $query = "INSERT INTO aluno (nomeAluno, matricula, ano_inscrito, ano_semestre, flag_ativo)";
    $query .= " VALUES ('{$aluno->getNome()}', '{$aluno->getMatricula()}', '$ano', '{$aluno->getAnoSemestre()}', 1)";

    $result = mysqli_query($conexao->abrirConexao(), $query);

    $resultado[] = array('tipo'=>'success','mensagem'=>'Aluno cadastrado com sucesso!');
    echo json_encode($resultado);

} catch (Exception $ex) {
   $resultado[] = array('tipo'=>'error','mensagem'=>'Não foi possível cadastrar o aluno');
   echo json_encode($resultado);
} finally {

The Connection and Student classes work well and the registration is done in the bank. The toastr is called in the following line:

<script src="js/toastr.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

It is the only thing that is not working. Notification does not appear.

  • 3

    The question is not nothingness clear and is impossible reply without hacking your computer to see your code...

  • I’ll improve by putting code

  • improved the question brasofilo

  • beauty, just a couple of tips, this guide is kind important: How to create a Minimum, Complete and Verifiable example; and make a headline that attracts attention too, your intention is to make a craque read the question and give an answer, right? Then, take care of the descriptive title and the explanation/code to the point; otherwise there are answers in the chutômetro and a lot of comments asking for more details/explanations.... good luck!

  • I’ll follow the recommendations, thank you.

  • Have you tried debugging that success to see if he’s really called?

  • Yes Gypsy, and he calls yes.

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1 answer


Try it like this:

toastAlert("error", "Sua Mensagem");
toastAlert("success", "Sua Mensagem");

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