Create a column in Mysql that automatically divides the other two column values


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People need to explain to me how I can make it similar to what happens in Excel I can create a column in Mysql that divides the values of the other two columns. Something like column 1 / column 2= column 3.

For example I have two columns and several rows, in the first row in column 1 I would have value 4, in the first row in column 2 I would have value 2, in the first row of column 3 would be value 4/2

  • I couldn’t understand it. Give some example

  • For example I have two columns and several rows, in the first row in column 1 I would have value 4, in the first row in column 2 I would have value 2, in the first row of column 3 would be value 4/2.

  • Okay, put that in the question. You can edit. Another thing, what do you want is an SQL code that does this? Or something else? (put that in the question too)

  • SELECT field1, field2, field1/field2 AS Division FROM fieldName

2 answers


From version 5.7 it is possible to create calculated columns. The (simplified) syntax is as follows:

col_name data_type [GENERATED ALWAYS] AS (expression)

Applied to your case would be so:

   campo1 DOUBLE,
   campo2 DOUBLE,
   divisao DOUBLE AS (campo1/campo2)

If you use a previous version there are 3 possible solutions:

1 - Do the calculation in SELECT:

In the indication of the columns that this should return, other can be defined that are calculated according to the columns of the table.

SELECT campo1, campo2, campo1/campo2 AS nomeQueQuiserDar FROM tabela

With the clause AS can give any name you want to the calculated result.

See on Sqlfiddle

2 - Create a VIEW with the calculated field:

CREATE VIEW nome_view AS
SELECT campo1, campo2, campo1/campo2 AS divisao FROM tabela;

Use the VIEW instead of the SELECT:

SELECT campo1, campo2, divisao FROM nome_view  

3 - Create a TRIGGER to calculate the result and store in a table column:

ON tabela
FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.campo3 = NEW.campo1 / NEW.campo2

You must create the field3 in the table before creating the TRIGGER.


If the table already has data, before creating the TRIGGER, update field 3 according to existing data.

UPDATE tabela SET campo3 = campo1/campo2

If the values of field 1 and field 2 can be changed, it will be necessary to create another TRIGGER to reflect this change in field3.

ON tabela
FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.campo3 = NEW.campo1 / NEW.campo2
  • At TRIGGER I have to create column3 before?

  • Yes, the column should exist, Trigger only does the work of calculating the column.

  • The value is set to NULL

  • I added more details to the answer.


It would also be possible to create a calculated column, for example:

Create table ( campo1 double, campo2 double, campo3 as ((campo1/campo2) as double)); 

This type of table can interfere with processing so check another type of table persisted...

I hope I’ve helped.

  • The question refers to Mysql where only from version 5.7 it is possible to create calculated columns. Also note that the syntax you used is not Mysql.

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