Delphi 7 apps in windows 8


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I installed Delphi 7 on my Windows 7, but we know that by default Delphi 7 comes with Indy 9. It’s OK for me because I only use the and the get via http.

The doubts would be:

That component idhttp coming in Delphi 7 is native and runs on Windows without needing dll?

The app made in Delphi 7 with this idhttp, Indy 9 standard Delphi 7, even if the current is Indy 10 and Delphi 10, it runs smoothly in windows 8?

If you can help me by answering I test.

3 answers


I have applications made in Delphi using the Indy 10, using the components to send email, I have no problems in this case neither with Win8 nor Win7.

It’s simple to replace Indy 9 with 10 for a look at this article:

But some resources run differently in Windows7/8 for Xp, so when building an application, be sure to test it in both scenarios, in case you need to deploy it this way.

  • yes thanks info, more like my question was whether the app delphi7 Indy 9 runs on Win8 quiet without dll...

  • Well, I didn’t use this idhttp, so I don’t know if it needs dll, but using IDSMTP, both indy9 and 10, regardless of windows version and need to add these two dlls libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll @Juniorvieira Can’t upgrade from 9 to 10 anyway? When I used 9 I had several problems with sending email in general.

  • Searching through the Mbarcadero forum, I found this post Where they say that besides the dll, it would still be necessary to hit the Timeout, so that it could run on Win8.


Any version of Indy from 9 will run without the need for DLL distribution on any existing windows version to date. What differs the version of the Indy component is only the features it offers.


Yes. The Indy 9 on the D7 is fully compatible with the new versions of windows 7, 8 and 10 and runs normally on them.

No. You do not need any DLL to be distributed together with the executable. You only need Dlls if you use HTTPS, otherwise you do not.

Although it is possible to install Indy 10 on D7, it is not necessary, Indy 9 works well for what you want (idhttp)

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