I need to put a R$ in Angularjs. The Code is this, someone could help me and is returning a value in value.
$scope.addValue = function(el) {
var element = el.currentTarget.attributes["ng-model"].nodeValue;
var status = el.currentTarget.checked;
if (status == true) {
$scope.formData.saldoItensSelecionados = Number($scope.formData.saldoItensSelecionados) + Number(scope["resultSimulacao"]["tipsaa1VO"][element]);
} else {
$scope.formData.saldoItensSelecionados = Number($scope.formData.saldoItensSelecionados) - Number(scope["resultSimulacao"]["tipsaa1VO"][element]);
Vlw Cara Helped a lot, Plus I have a problem yet the main input does not receive angular Expression {{}} only gets ng-model as I could do it ?
– Di Boa
I edited the answer to answer that. It’s clear now?
– celsomtrindade