Quote problems importing data from Excel to Database (Mysql)


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I have an excel file with several data, the problem is that apparently there is some data with double quotes and when you upload this data, all the columns become maladjusted and consequently the data is populated in wrong columns (different). I’m using DreamCoder to "throw" the dice into the bank. I didn’t see any double quotes in my Excel file, but I noticed that they started to appear in the database.

apparently the quotes that caused the data to be populated in wrong places... I saw in my original excel file and didn’t notice any quotes in that data.

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  • Welcome to Sopt! Post part of your csv file and how is the table that will receive it in the bank so we can help you.

  • 1

    Places some lines of your excel and how it was recorded in your database.

  • @Diegofelipe it is interesting to put more information to help

  • put an image

  • @Otto I think you quoted me by mistake, I’m not the author of the question hehe

  • 1

    @Diegofelipe may be kkkkk

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1 answer


With the Excel spreadsheet open, try these steps:

  • Try replacing all double quotes "" by any other parentheses () or Space,
  • Replace all single quotes '' by any other character parentheses () or Space,
  • Check which field delimiter you are using on my case, I prefer to use the point and comma ;, so I replace all the dots and commas ; commas ,,
  • Don’t forget to select the Character set, if you don’t know the differences much, use UNICODE UTF-8

All this process I do by Libreoffice or Openoffice, for the ease at the time of saving the file .csv

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