Find the least-appearing numbers in the records


Viewed 332 times


Personal greetings. I have a sort of table like this:

reg  num0 num1 num2 num3 num4 num4
1     4    2    5    8    10   15   
2     3    7    8    15   20   21
3     14   10   6    21   17   1
4     1    4    8    10   16   7
5     9    3    2    1    8    15

I need to find out what the latest numbers are, in order. E.g:

  • Number 21 -> late to 3 records (because the last time it appeared was in record number 2).
  • Number 5 -> late to 5 records (because the last time it appeared was in record number 1).

I’ve tried a few ways but to no avail. Could someone give me an idea?

Thank you!

1 answer


I will divide logic into separate steps to facilitate.

First, let’s see where was the last occurrence of number 21, for example:

SELECT    reg
FROM      tabelaMaisOuMenosAssim
WHERE     21 IN (num0,num1,num2,num3,num4,num5)
LIMIT     1;

Once obtained this record, just count how many there are after it. In your example, we would have received 3 in return.

To know how many came after (one can use >= if you want to include the current line):

SELECT COUNT(*) AS atrasado WHERE reg > 3

If you are using any auxiliary support language, this can be done with two darlings and use of variables.

Putting the two things together

We can make a subquery to obtain the result in a single operation:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS atrasado
FROM   tabelaMaisOuMenosAssim
WHERE  reg >= (
   SELECT    reg
   FROM      tabelaMaisOuMenosAssim
   WHERE     21 IN (num0,num1,num2,num3,num4,num5)
   LIMIT     1

See working on SQL Fiddle.

If you will constantly use this feature

You can create a FUNCTION which is part of the database, rather than using the query every time you need to get a value:

CREATE FUNCTION pegaAtrasado(numero int)
  FROM   tabelaMaisOuMenosAssim
  WHERE  reg >= (
    SELECT    reg
    FROM      tabelaMaisOuMenosAssim
    WHERE     numero IN (num0,num1,num2,num3,num4,num5)
    ORDER BY  reg DESC
    LIMIT     1

How to use (simple as that):

SELECT pegaAtrasado( 21 );
SELECT pegaAtrasado(  5 );
SELECT pegaAtrasado(  1 );

See working on SQL Fiddle.

  • 1

    @The biggest advantage of direct FUNCTION in DB is that you will only need SELECT() in PHP, without running the query every time (Function is created directly in Mysql, and once, and remains there, is not done in PHP). The advantage of doing as you did is that it is easier to maintain, because you will only touch the PHP side, although it has less performance (the difference is usually small).

  • I’ve been analyzing the code but, this way I’m not able to perform the consultation of these late ones until a certain date. I’m doing so: SELECT COUNT(*) AS atrasado FROM resultado_loteria WHERE codCadastro >= ( SELECT codCadastro FROM resultado_loteria WHERE codModalidade = 2 AND 1 IN (num0,num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,num6,num7,num8,num9,num10,num11,num12,num13,num14) AND dataConcurso BETWEEN '2015-01-01' AND '2015-11-03' ORDER BY codCadastro DESC LIMIT 1 ). To show I’m using a "for" loop from 1 to 25 when I call the class.

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