Android Studio does not find JDK during installation. How to resolve?


Viewed 6,725 times


Good afternoon,

I’m trying to install Android Studio on my Windows 7, however it never finds the folder with jdk installed.
Even if I point manually, it does not locate. I have already entered the environment variables as I saw on the web and nothing happens.

Here are the variables and their values:

JAVA_HOME : C: Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_79

Jdk_home : C: Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_79

STUDIO_HOME : C: Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_79

My Windows is 32bits.

What I’m missing from?

  • @Toni-cesar-a-Amaral put an answer here in this post, scroll down to see the answer...

1 answer


Remember that the environment variable JAVA_HOME should be added in system variables and not in User variables.

Assuming you made the addition this way, add one more system variable as follows::


Value: . ;%JAVA_HOME%


Then edit variable Path, adding at the end ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin\, which is your previously created variable. Restart your pc and make sure jdk is recognized by the system by opening a command prompt screen and running the command javac. If you are recognized, various help options for this command will appear.

After that, try to install Android Studio, which probably JDK will be recognized normally.

Note: If you are not recognized yet, you can try the tips of this link or this one.

  • It didn’t work either, but I found another solution. As I was trying to install by the installer (.exe) without success, I decided to download the zip and run it. It worked perfectly, thank you for the force!

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