To group and remove lines with "null" values from this query in Mysql


Viewed 3,059 times


CREATE TABLE tblCliente (
idCliente int(11),
estado int(1)

CREATE TABLE tblPergunta (
idPergunta int,
idCategoria int,
pergunta varchar(255),
tipoResposta tinyint(1)

CREATE TABLE tblClienteRespostaPre (
idCliente int(11),
idPergunta int(11),
idRespostaPre int(11),
privacidade int(1),
verificada int(1)

CREATE TABLE tblRespostaPre (
idRespostaPre int(11),
idPergunta int(11),
resposta varchar(255)

insert into tblCliente values
(1, 1),
(2, 1),
(3, 1);

insert into tblPergunta values
(16, 1, 'qual o seu telefone?',1),
(34, 4, 'qual o seu email?',   1),
(35, 2, 'você é de são paulo?',1);

insert into tblClienteRespostaPre values
(1, 16, 1, 1, 1),
(1, 34, 2, 1, 1),
(1, 35, 3, 1, 1),
(2, 16, 4, 1, 1),
(2, 34, 5, 1, 1),
(2, 35, 6, 1, 1),
(3, 16, 7, 1, 1),
(3, 34, 8, 1, 1),
(3, 35, 9, 1, 1);

insert into tblRespostaPre values
(1, 16, '123456789'),
(2, 34, '[email protected]'),
(3, 35, 'sim'),
(4, 16, '568723658'),
(5, 34, '[email protected]'),
(6, 35, 'não'),
(7, 16, '687678677'),
(8, 34, '[email protected]'),
(9, 35, 'Claro');

SET @sql = NULL;
SET @count := 0;
      'CASE WHEN tblRespostaPre.idPergunta = ', idPergunta,' THEN \'', resposta,'\'
       ELSE  null END AS \'Resposta ',@count:=@count + 1,'\'')
INTO @sql
  tblRespostaPre where idPergunta IN (16,34,35);

SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT tblCliente.idCliente,
                  FROM tblCliente 
                  INNER JOIN tblClienteRespostaPre ON (tblClienteRespostaPre.idCliente=tblCliente.idCliente)
                  INNER JOIN tblPergunta           ON (tblPergunta.idPergunta=tblClienteRespostaPre.idPergunta)
                  INNER JOIN tblRespostaPre        ON (tblRespostaPre.idPergunta=tblClienteRespostaPre.idPergunta)
                  WHERE  tblPergunta.idPergunta    IN (16,34,35) AND tblCliente.estado=1 
                  group by tblPergunta.idPergunta, tblCliente.idCliente');

PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;

Sample code:! 9/8332c/15

The idea is to put in pivot format (reversing the rows to columns), this query it returns vertically the questions, but would have to be horizontal:

SELECT cli.idCliente as ID_CLIENTE,
       perg.idPergunta as ID_PERGUNTA,
       resp.idRespostaPre as ID_RESPOSTA,
       perg.pergunta as PERGUNTA,
       resp.resposta as RESPOSTA
FROM   tblCliente cli  
       INNER JOIN tblClienteRespostaPre cli_resp
       ON (cli_resp.idCliente=cli.idCliente)
       LEFT JOIN tblPergunta perg
       ON (perg.idPergunta=cli_resp.idPergunta)
       LEFT JOIN tblRespostaPre resp
       ON (resp.idPergunta=cli_resp.idPergunta)
WHERE  perg.idPergunta in(16,34,35) AND cli.estado=1;
  • You say null in any field?

  • Yeah, see that he’s misaligning.

  • the idea is not to repeat, type id 1,2,3... do everything on the same level.

  • In this case you would remove all lines? For in your example all lines have at least one value null.

  • 1

    I edited to make it clearer..., what I want is to bring everyone only that aligned by the customer ID.

  • This question was opened to help resolve this issue:

  • I don’t understand what you’re getting at. In this way is ordered by the client ID, but I didn’t understand the part of null.

  • Null is a mistake. It wasn’t supposed to have null, it was supposed to be neat. See that there are duplicates, even if it is aligned by the ID. It’s supposed to be 3 lines.

  • And if you use GROUP_CONCAT in the question field and GRUP BY in the other select fields ?

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2 answers


If I understand your question right you’re trying to make that query here:

  MAX(IF(cli_resp.idPergunta = 16, resp.resposta, NULL)) AS `Qual o seu telefone?`,
  MAX(IF(cli_resp.idPergunta = 34, resp.resposta, NULL)) AS `Qual o seu email?`,
  MAX(IF(cli_resp.idPergunta = 35, resp.resposta, NULL)) AS `Você é de são paulo?`
FROM tblCliente cli
  INNER JOIN tblClienteRespostaPre cli_resp
    ON (cli.idCliente = cli_resp.idCliente)
  LEFT JOIN tblRespostaPre resp
    ON (cli_resp.idRespostaPre = resp.idRespostaPre)
WHERE cli.estado = 1 AND cli_resp.idPergunta IN (16, 34, 35)
GROUP BY cli.idCliente
ORDER BY cli.idCliente;


Resultado consulta

If the idea was to generate the query SQL dynamically from a list of questions ids you were on the right track:

SET @id_perguntas = '16,34,35';
SET @sql = NULL;

    CONCAT('MAX(IF(cli_resp.idPergunta = ', idPergunta, ', resp.resposta, NULL))',
           ' AS `', pergunta, '`'))
INTO @sql
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(idPergunta, @id_perguntas)
ORDER BY idPergunta;

SET @sql = CONCAT(
    'FROM tblCliente cli
       INNER JOIN tblClienteRespostaPre cli_resp
         ON (cli.idCliente = cli_resp.idCliente)
       LEFT JOIN tblRespostaPre resp
         ON (cli_resp.idRespostaPre = resp.idRespostaPre)
     WHERE cli.estado = 1 AND cli_resp.idPergunta IN (', @id_perguntas, ')',
    'GROUP BY cli.idCliente
     ORDER BY cli.idCliente');

PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;

Functional example in Sqlfiddle

Source: Soen - Mysql pivot table query with Dynamic Columns

  • Ivan, dynamics based on what? Simply change the Where clause of the consulate that assembles the questions and the Where clause that filters the answers according to your criteria.

  • Forget it, it’s perfect! Thanks!

  • Now it’s perfect, Anthony!

  • Thanks Ivan and Anthony


This query returns the online questions.

select a.idCliente,
       GROUP_CONCAT(distinct c.idPergunta),
       GROUP_CONCAT(distinct d.idRespostaPre),
       GROUP_CONCAT(distinct c.pergunta),
       GROUP_CONCAT(distinct d.resposta)
  from tblCliente a,
       tblClienteRespostaPre b,
       tblPergunta c,
       tblRespostaPre d
 where a.idCliente = b.idCliente
   and b.idPergunta = c.idPergunta
   and b.idPergunta = d.idPergunta
   and a.estado = 1
   and b.idPergunta in (16, 34, 35)
 group by a.idCliente
 order by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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