Is the term ASP.NET MVC correct?


Viewed 326 times


Is it correct to use the term ASP.NET MVC? It seems that they are two different things, like, in MVC we no longer use components of ASP.NET, we use either HTML or Razor or both? I know that besides Razor we can also use the aspx, but the term ASP.NET MVC seems to be out of context or not? Or is even the term correct?

  • Damn! I posted it on Sopt, I don’t understand why it ended up on Soen, ixi!!

  • The question wasn’t on Soen, she was on the finish line

  • But this kind of question should not be in the goal? I thought it would be for the goal, by the question of the tag "debate". I posted there thinking it was the right place. Thanks for the correction.

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    As to your question, ASP.Net MVC is outside what context?

  • 1

    @pnet The goal is directed only to questions related to the website ( itself. You can read more about the goal concept in: What is the "goal"? How it works?.

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    Why are they voting to close? The question is perfectly acceptable (otherwise I wouldn’t even have migrated here).

  • 2

    It’s the spirit of downvote. You know, @bfavaretto, there are those who just like to negativize, without even making a contribution to the site. That is why I voted to close, because as there was answer, I asked to do this, ie remove because I did not understand the received downvote, because I did not see anything in the question that deserved this.

  • 1

    Okay, but don’t confuse downvotes with a closing vote. Downvotes are more subjective, people vote because they did not find the question good, often by their own criteria. Already the closing votes need to follow the rules of the site, and are more objective, even if there is enough flexibility in the rules.

  • Yes, but the user who asked the question himself is in the right to close the post, for several reasons, right? I could have posted a non-public information, for example and ask to close, could not agree with the progress in which the post is going and ask to close. You might think that the post is running away from the goal and closing, anyway, there are many reasons, right? But OK, I’ll withdraw my request, but I fully understand all this.

  • 3

    Not really, since this is not a forum, none of this is a reason to close the question. When the question is asked, and especially when there is an answer in it, the AP no longer owns it. He may suggest closing within one of the existing criteria, but cannot close it or remove it further. If you have private information, you can ask to take this part out. If you don’t want to be associated with the question, you can ask to lose the link, but you can’t set the direction of the content. The community can do this because all the content here is community. And the question is good in every way. There’s no reason to close.

  • 2

    I thought the question was great. In fact, I think it clarifies once and for all that there is a distinction between ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and MVC only, the latter being a design standard and not an implementation.

  • @pnet Any help you more? Need something to be improved?

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2 answers


It’s not right.

It is correct to use ASP.NET MVC.

This is the name of a Microsoft technology. It is a proper name and should be spelled correctly. The name is one thing. There it is correct to use to refer to this specific technology that is different from MVC, is different from the classic ASP.NET that uses Webforms and mainly is different from the classic ASP that does not use the . NET.

ASP (Active Server Pages) was a technology that Microsoft created to make web pages using a variation of the original Visual Basic.

When she created . NET, this framework that supports C# and VB.NET languages, among others, she also created a new version of this technology and called it ASP.NET. It is something quite different from the original ASP and can use the languages . NET.

Note that ASP is capitalized because it is an acronym. and .NET (reads "dotnet") not because it is not an acronym (although Microsoft also uses . NET in several places, so this form is also correct). The name comes from network, because at the time Microsoft wanted to name everything "something" point network, to indicate that everything would be done to run network. That’s roughly it. Even Windows was going to be called Windows.NET, but they gave up on the idea and only a few things had this suffix. It’s obvious that . NET would be the main technology of Windows. But they realized that was exaggeration.

Then Microsoft realized that many people did not like ASP.NET and there were those who use the standard MVC. So she created another framework from scratch, completely different, using this design standard and called it ASP.NET MVC. For obvious reasons the acronym was included in the name (in capital letters, of course).

Initially it depended on some parts of ASP.NET that we often call classic to ensure it’s the old one, although when you don’t use MVC in the name, it’s what we’re talking about, although some people use it wrong.

I don’t believe in programmers who can’t use the technology name correctly. It may sound silly, but programming is detail. If the programmer cannot know the name of the technology he is using he will not know how to use it properly. Until he changes his attitude. I don’t trust what you say "Deli" instead of "Deli," which is right. It’s a proper name, you have to speak it right. Either the person is not curious and ignores something too obvious and easy, or knows and is stubborn and careless. Both are intrinsic personal characteristics that prevent her from evolving as a professional.

Today the ASP.NET Core (yes, more a mess, but the initial name of the technology was worse) which is a set of technologies that evolved in relation to ASP.NET MVC (were completely rewritten and there is no full compatibility), does not depend on anything of the old. And this is important. Technology is reaching maturity.

You may find it confusing. And in fact Microsoft is not good at naming, or even selling products. She tries to use criteria that only she understands to be good and confuses people.

And it got worse because now the . NET Core passes if calling only . NET, a name that has never been officially used before.

So of course, it is correct to use that name when you’re using this technology, but it’s wrong to call it just MVC because there are other MVC, it’s wrong to call it just ASP.NET, even worse to call it ASP, because it’s another technology.

ASP.NET has become a legacy technology, still supported, but will no longer receive significant developments (old ASP.NET MVC as well). It does not fit well in the current web environment. The entire suite of ASP.NET Core technologies work best for today’s needs. And we must avoid even mixing them from now on.

Who wants to understand the technology better, all fonts are available to do whatever you want on Github.

  • So, "Delfi" or "delfai" the word is Greek, so it should be called in Greek pronunciation and not Americanized, the Americans are wrong. the correct pronunciation is "Delfi" and not "delfai". We have a habit of letting ourselves be subjugated by cultures that call themselves superior, as is the case of Americans and many Brazilians think that all of them are correct and our not.

  • The product is American. The product’s proper name is pronounced like this. Everything has context. Embarcadero’s product is pronounced "delfai".

  • I heard many discussions of this in the US and there colleagues, not all, but some spoke Lfi and not delfai, I say this in the US itself, but however you want, I only raised this question because you said not to trust who speaks Lfi and I see no harm in it. The product is American, but the name does not. Delphi comes from the oracle Delphus, as it is in the past link.

  • I’m talking about the product, the proper name. Embarcadero’s courses and lectures (formerly Borland, Inprise and other company names) speak like this. Indirectly I almost got a stubborn teacher of Mackenzie to be fired because of this subject :) After he had put the rope around his neck on his own, he saved himself by portraying himself with another teacher who mastered the subject in fact (linguistics) and confirmed that it was "delfai".

  • So dude, you’re contradicting yourself in your words. You said the name should be spoken correctly. The fact that the product is American, the name is not and the Greeks would like their oracle’s name to be pronounced correctly. I am in favor of regionalization of names, as Americans do and so they pronounce delfai, an Americanized form of the name Delphi, that the correct is Delfi(pronunciation). But we all have our opinions and I will respect yours, but remember, this is just a discussion of opinions, just, before others come and say something else. Big, thanks a lot.

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    You don’t understand, you’re the one who started talking about something else. I’m talking about the product. The product name is pronounced "delfai". If you think they’re wrong to name it that way, you’ll fight the company. But I already say that the product is theirs, and they call it what they want. Proper name should be used as it was defined by those who defined it. It’s not a matter of opinion. Of course, everyone has the right to speak as they please, but they will always do it out of ignorance or stubbornness, not because they are following some established rule.

  • bigown, I’m not a user of technologies, but in microsoft website appears written .NET. Wouldn’t it be a mistake to call . Net then? There has been some change in the pattern in recent years?

  • @Molx no, in fact they use one way or another in different places. Write . NET is correct as product name. Since they also use tiny and it’s not an acronym, I don’t like to use it. In fact they try to standardize the use of .NET. But I’ve seen them using other variations including. I’ve never found anything that says clearly what’s right, so I use the logic that words that aren’t acronyms aren’t capitalized.

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MVC is a standard software architecture (Pattern design) that separates the representation of information from the user’s interaction with it.

ASP.NET MVC is a lightweight and highly testable presentation structure that (like Web Forms-based applications) is integrated with resources ASP.NET existing, such as Masters pages and association-based authentication. The MVC structure is defined in Assembly System.Web.Mvc.

Features of the ASP.NET MVC structure

  • Separation of application tasks (input logic, business logic and UI logic), possibility of testing and test-controlled development (TDD). All core contracts in the MVC structure are interface-based and can be tested using fictitious objects, which are simulated objects that mimic the behavior of real objects in the application. You can test the application drive without having to run the controllers in an ASP.NET process, which speeds up and makes the unit test more flexible. You can use any unit test structure that is compatible with the . NET Framework.

  • An extensible and connectable structure. ASP.NET MVC structure components are designed to be easily replaced or customized. You can connect your own display engine, URL routing policy, action-method parameter serialization, and other components. The ASP.NET MVC structure also supports the use of DI (Dependency Injection - Dependency Injection) and IOC (Inversion of Control - Inversion of Control) container models. The DI allows injecting objects into a class, rather than relying on the class to create the object. The IOC specifies that if an object requires another object, the first objects must obtain the second object from an external source as a configuration file. This makes testing easier.

  • Comprehensive support for ASP.NET routing, which is a powerful URL mapping component that allows you to develop applications that have comprehensive and searchable Urls. Urls do not need to include filename extensions and are designed to support URL naming patterns that work well for SEO (Search Engine Optimization - Search Engine Optimization) and REST addressing (Representational State Transfer - Representational State Transfer).

  • Support the use of markup in ASP.NET page markup files ( .aspx files), user control files ( .ascx files) and master page ( .master files) existing as display templates. You can use existing ASP.NET features with the ASP.NET MVC structure, such as nested master pages, online expressions (<%= %>), declarative server controls, templates, data binding, location and so on.

  • Support for existing ASP.NET resources. The ASP.NET MVC framework allows the use of features such as form authentication and Windows authentication, URL authorization, association and functions, output and data caching, session and profile status management, integrity monitoring, provider configuration system and architecture.

It is correct to use the term if you are using this Microsoft structure, otherwise (you are implementing the standard in another language) you can refer to only as MVC.

Reference: Overview of ASP.NET MVC

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