What kind of conversion does the pre-compiler of a DBMS with the SQL language?


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The compiler of a DBMS handles commands written in SQL.

Assuming I’m using Mysql.

What would be done with the command:

select * from client;

What type of conversion does the pre-compiler of a DBMS with the SQL language?

  • I think, I’m not sure, it will depend on the engine, each engine must work its way, let’s say it does a parse query and transform into the specific pro engine format. Note that mysql has more than one engine, like innoDB and myisam. mariaDB also uses another engine. I’m not sure, but it’s possible I don’t have a definitive answer.

1 answer


Postgresql describes the internal process in the documentation, in the chapter 47 - Internal Process Overview. Practical information can be found on Official Postgresql Wiki.

The source code parser is available on Github. If you understand C, I recommend analyzing the code (warning: the code represents 20 years of work, so expect a huge complexity, but mastery).

The process

The "Parsing stage" as it is called consists of two steps:

  1. Parsing: creates an evaluation and parsing tree by following rules on the syntactic structure of the past SQL. Parser uses Bison and flex (as a comparison PHP also uses Bison for lexical analysis and Parsing).
  2. Transformation: makes semantic interpretation and interpolation with data from step 1 tree.

Step 1

  1. Checks if the query has a valid syntax (validation of the "pure" text that was sent)
  2. If the syntax is correct an evaluation tree is mounted (parse Tree)
  3. This tree is iterated with a lexical parser to recognize identifiers (SQL keywords, etc). For each keyword or identifier that is found a token is generated that is passed to the parser.

Found actions are transformed into C code.

Step 2

In short, it makes SQL data links, using the structures created in step 1.

Access to the SQL query tree

With a C or Ruby program, you can access the trees generated in the Parsing process. To do this you must use the raw_parser function and you can display it formatted using the nodeToString function.

An example in C can be seen in this Gist or in that. In Ruby you can use Gem pg_query that generates trees in JSON.

Example of a tree created from a query:

SELECT * FROM foo where bar = 42 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 23;
  :distinctClause <> 
  :intoClause <> 
  :targetList (
     :name <> 
     :indirection <> 
        :fields (
        :location 7
     :location 7
  :fromClause (
     :schemaname <> 
     :relname foo 
     :inhOpt 2 
     :relpersistence p 
     :alias <> 
     :location 14
     :name ("=")
        :fields ("bar")
        :location 24
        :val 42 
        :location 30
     :location 28
  :groupClause <> 
  :havingClause <> 
  :windowClause <> 
  :valuesLists <> 
  :sortClause (
        :fields ("id")
        :location 42
     :sortby_dir 2 
     :sortby_nulls 0 
     :useOp <> 
     :location -1
  :limitOffset <> 
     :val 23 
     :location 56
  :lockingClause <> 
  :withClause <> 
  :op 0 
  :all false 
  :larg <> 
  :rarg <>

And example of a tree generated using Gem pg_query:

@query="SELECT * FROM foo where bar = 42 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 23;",
          "val"=>{"COLUMNREF"=>{"fields"=>[{"A_STAR"=>{}}], "location"=>7}},
         "lexpr"=>{"COLUMNREF"=>{"fields"=>["bar"], "location"=>24}},
         "rexpr"=>{"A_CONST"=>{"val"=>42, "location"=>30}},
         {"node"=>{"COLUMNREF"=>{"fields"=>["id"], "location"=>42}},
     "limitCount"=>{"A_CONST"=>{"val"=>23, "location"=>56}},

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