Block source code Django


Viewed 841 times


I am developing some projects where I will use , but I will have to host the server on the client’s machine. Where it will be installed there is no internet, so I have to make the system work locally.

I need to know if somehow I can protect the source code, so that when someone tries to access the server and get my files they are somehow "unreadable".

Once I saw that in Asp it was possible to create a kind of code DLL, in there is something similar ?

  • 2
  • Take a look at PHP Encoder (, unfortunately opensource encryptors do not do this very well, since some basically do a base64_encode in the code. Another opensource suggestion I saw comments on is PECL (, but I don’t know anything about. Also, using the legal modes, you can make a Term of Use of your project and an EULA.

  • @rray, possible duplicate, huh. At least in relation to PHP, since the answers would go the same way

  • 2

    Why all this worry? rs

  • Leaving the entire source code in the client’s machine is not a very good thing, right? Having it, someone can pick it up and use it around.

  • So @rray, but Django is a Python framework and as far as I read the answers there, they seem to me only for php and not other language. I voted because I left it open.

  • @Guilhermenascimento, I know, had an issue that removed the php part :P see in the history, I did not vote p close. About python I found nothing has one on android. If you search for obfuscate code you find some results.

  • @rray My bad :p - Cool I’ll look for something too.

  • 1

    @Guilhermenascimento neither had I seen what part of php was removed if vc did not leave the haha warning. o

  • When you run a Django project it takes your files .py and generates the compilables .pyc because you don’t try to upload only the files .pyc for the customer’s environment?

  • 1

    In my view you must do this with a contract and not in the code. And by default, the law states that a custom computer program is the property of the customer.

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2 answers


Dude, if the below is not yours or your indication, the responsibility is the customer’s own.

Each *.py qye file you have, when compiled, it generates a *.pyc file, which is nothing more than python compiled.

This question of someone taking your code, involves much more infrastructure issues than programming itself.

These are different things: - Security of your server; - Security of your application (permissions and access).

I don’t get the idea of a program that generates dll or hash your code or whatever. Your code will be on the server and period.

Server access will involve network issues, security, which machines can access the server, local network, public network. There are several factors.


A good way to achieve this can be by translating your code into the C language. In addition to you making it ineligible your code will run much faster. For this you can use the Cython.

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