ASP.NET MVC vs Angularjs with WEBAPI


Viewed 934 times


In a web project (type a "small" ERP, rs) where some companies would manage their branches and there could be several connected users, which would be better in terms of performance and performance (I know that each case is a case, but in general) in your opinion what would be better: ASP.NET MVC or Angularjs with WEBAPI? in both cases the architecture would be DDD with EF and Dapper. Thank you.

  • This question does not have a final answer, as there are many factors to consider and I think that is why someone voted with -1. However, with a little research you can find options to help you with these first steps. This question:, was closed for the same reason (very subjective) but has some very relevant answers.

1 answer


Whoa, what’s up, man? This is a very abstract question, but I think this link can help you:

If you only consider performance, Angularjs, roughly speaking, will perform better because it is a javascript framework and runs in the browser. But this can easily change if the presentation layer requests for the web-api are slow, because the performance will eventually match and you will not have gained any in the use of Angularjs (if your concern is only performance). However, there are many factors to consider, such as learning curve and security. In addition to the performance benefit, the angular solution, by using a web-api can be a good one, since it can be used by other systems in the future, such as a mobile application or an exposure for other applications to consume.

Well, I don’t know if I helped, I expressed a little of my opinion, but the question is really difficult to define with an absolute answer.

  • Hello Murilo, helped me yes, really has a lot to be considered in choosing these technologies. I will wait for more opinions from other colleagues, then mark the answer ok.

  • 2

    Better not expect opinions. On this site only objective answers are valid. That’s why your question is being closed.

  • Angularjs 1.x, which is the stable version, is totally inconsistent with version 2, which will be released (in the near or long future), In addition, if javascript is poorly implemented in the view, your page will be slow, since it will have a higher consumption of ram of the browser... About MVC, you may have more productivity, because you have html helpers... Based on your question is quite difficult, we do not know the knowledge of the team, nor the delivery time of the project

  • 2

    I did not understand why someone voted with -1 for Murilo’s answer, in my opinion he responded well (so he gave a +1). However, as I said earlier, I think this kind of question should really be closed.

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