How to clone an element with jQuery and add a new name?


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I’m using the plugin jQuery Cloneya to clone elements of a form with jQuery, but it is a little limited, wanted to clone the inputs but I need to increment the name when this is done, for example:

<input type="text" name="produtos[qtd][1]">

The next input cloned would have to have the name produtos[qtd][2], if there is a way to do this with this plugin or otherwise, the consequence of cloning the inputs so is that the validation plugin only validates the first input (jquery.validate).

This is an example of how is my form

<form method="post">
    <div class="wrapper">
        <div class="toclone">
            <select name="list">
                <option>opção 1</option>
                <option>opção 2</option>
                <option>opção 3</option>
                <option>opção 4</option>
            <input type="text" name="produtos[qtd][]">
            <button type="button" id="add">+</button>
            <button type="button" id="remove">-</button>
    <input type="submit">


  • To clone an element in js:

  • the plugin requires only the startup command, which is what is described in the documentation. Other than that, I couldn’t find anything there to help solve the problem of increasing the Names

1 answer


To clone your element, and set the name to the previous name with a value +1, just do as follows:

function adicionar(){
  var ElementoClonado = $(this.parentNode).clone(); //clona o elemento
  var str = $(ElementoClonado).children('input').eq(0).attr('name').split("["); //divide o name por "["
  var intQtd = parseInt(str[2].split("]")[0]); //resgata o numero entre "[" e "]"
  var newName = "produtos[qtd]["+(intQtd+1)+"]"; //novo valor name somado +1 do original
  ElementoClonado.children('input').eq(0).attr('name', newName); //seta o novo name para o elemento clonado
  $('.add').on("click", adicionar);
  $('.remove').on("click", remover);
function remover(){
$('.add').on("click", adicionar);
$('.remove').on("click", remover);

However, you should remember that you can not have more than one HTML ID equal, so change all your html to use classes, and also you should start with the number 1 of "qtd" in this way:

<form method="post">
<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="toclone">
        <select name="list">
            <option>opção 1</option>
            <option>opção 2</option>
            <option>opção 3</option>
            <option>opção 4</option>
        <input  type="text" name="produtos[qtd][1]">
        <button type="button" class="add">+</button>
        <button type="button" class="remove">-</button>
    <input type="submit">

Example running on Jsfiddle

  • have a fiddle? for example?

  • Is it possible to clone the div with the class ". toclone" with its inputs inside and make that script work the same way? because I actually clone the entire "wrapper" with those two inputs in.

  • yes it is possible, I will edit the answer and make a fiddle

  • I edited, see if this is what you want @Leandroruel I also did the remove ^^

  • Beautiful! I’m looking right now!

  • 1


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