I build a line <tr>
using Angularjs and JSTL, and within this line I have an element select
where it is travelled by using <c:forEach>
over an enumerator to fill it when the user clicks to insert a new row.
<td><select name='atributos[{{$index}}].atributo' class='text large form-control' ng-model='atributo.tipo' ><option value='' selected><spring:message code='------------'/></option><c:forEach var='tipoAtributo' items='${EnumTipoAtributo}' varStatus='loop'><option value='${tipoAtributo.id}'><spring:message code='${tipoAtributo.label}'/></option></c:forEach></select></td>
But select stays that way:
Look at the first option
, that is, in the element <option value="? object:null ?"></option>
When I click to send the form, as there is a validation with a Hibernate annotation, the following error pops up, instead of a message like The Field is required:
Failed to Convert Property value of type java.lang.String to required type com.projecto.enums.Enumtipoattribute for Property attributes[0]. tipo; nested exception is org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionFailedException: Failed to convert from type java.lang.String to type @javax.persistence.Column @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull @javax.persistence.Enumerated com.projeto.enums.EnumTipoAtributo for value ? Object:null ? ; nested Exception is java.lang.Illegalargumentexception: No Enum Constant com.projecto.enums.EnumTipoAtributo.? Object:null ?
When returning to the page this element is deleted and leave blank the validation message appears normally to the user in a way that can understand it, but how can I remove this element with value object:null
It cannot and does not make sense to convert the value to Enum that this present within that option being that the value to be received is inconsistent, ie the
? object:null ?
.– Giancarlo Abel Giulian