Undefined variable


Viewed 138 times



I’m having a problem recovering the global variable totalin a script. In an Alert inserted in the same scope it is displayed normal, but in a declaration it is not returned, it appears Undefined. follows the excerpt:

preco = "";
qtd = "";
total = "";

function keypressed(obj, e, f) {
var tecla = (window.event) ? e.keyCode : e.which;
preco = f;
qtd = tecla - 48;
total = qtd * preco;

if (tecla == 8 || tecla == 0 || tecla == 13)
    return true;
if (tecla < 48 || tecla > 57)
    return false;

title: "Confirmação",
ERRO >>> text: "O valor total é R$" + total + ", confirmar venda?",
confirm: function(button) {
    Aqui aparece normal > alert(total);
cancel: function(button) {
    alert("Venda não realizada.");
confirmButton: "SIM",
cancelButton: "NÃO"
the Alert I put is to check if the variable has any value, and shows the expected value, but in the sentence text:"O valor total é... the value does not appear. Any help is worth. vlw.

  • tried to change his statement with var before? Like this: var total = "";

  • 1

    I tried yes, I even tried to do the calculation in global scope but from the same error, the variable itself has value but is not returned at that specific position. other tests I did was to put a logo value in the variable declaration. ai works, but I need this value to be dynamic and not predefined.

  • Already tried to convert to integer before performing multiplication?

  • I tried now, by giving me the tip, thanks, but also did not work.

  • I don’t know this syntax ERRO >>>, put the code exactly the way you did and to comment lines use the /**/ or //

2 answers


put $(). confirm() inside the function, solved the problem in part. see how it turned out:

var preco = "";
var qtd = "";
var total = "";
function keypressed( obj , e , f) {
     var tecla = ( window.event ) ? e.keyCode : e.which;

    if ( tecla == 8 || tecla == 0 || tecla == 13)
        return true;
    if (tecla < 48 || tecla > 57 )
        {return false;}

Não atualiza>>      text:"O valor total é R$" + total + ", confirmar venda?",
                confirm: function(button) {
Atualiza normal >>      alert(total);
                cancel: function(button) {
                confirmButton: "SIM",
                cancelButton: "NÃO"

saw that the text: does not update a variable when triggered a second time, just takes the value the first time the button is triggered and even changing the input values the result does not change, to resolve this gave a refresh at a specific point on the page (button) and worked. This solution is not correct, an optimized solution is welcome. vlw personal.


Let’s at the moment ignore the code of each block, and see how the content is interpreted:

total = ""; // declare o valor de 'total'

function keypressed(obj, e, f) {} // declare uma função

$("#confirma").confirm({}); // invoque .confirm() via jQuery

Note that nothing in function declaration makes the code $("#confirma").confirm({}) wait before it is executed. The resulting then of course: . confirm is called before the value is changed.

A solution would be to embed the call $("#confirma").confirm({}) within a second function, called from the first.

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