warning for empty in_array


Viewed 97 times


I have a code that to generate a PDF it checks what is marked in the checkbox. But if I don’t mark anything, it still opens the PDF, only with the blank sheet. It has how to make a if that if nothing has been marked, show an alert on the screen to the user. My code is written in Codeigniter, and in view report has the following code:

if (in_array("foto", $itens)) {
     //código para mostrar a foto se está marcada a opção no checkbox

On my controller is:

$itens = $this->input->post('itens');
        if (!empty($itens)) {
            $data['itens'] = $itens;
        } else {
            $data['itens'] = array(null);
 $this->load->view('ViewDoRelatorio', $data);
  • try to give a die(); or exit(); before generating the code, and after the exception.

  • @Ivanferrer I put but there appeared nothing different

  • @Ivanferrer I put your response code and it really worked, it fixed another mistake I had. I think I misexpressed myself, not exactly the mistake I was talking about. Thank you so much in the same way, with the code you sent me corrected another error that there was.

2 answers


To treat the error, you can do the following:

function seuMetodoQueGeraPDF() {
   /* seu codigo vem dentro do seu método,
      e para qualquer condição de erro, 
      você cria uma exceção. */
  if (!in_array("foto", $itens)) { 
      throw new Exception("Marque a opção selecionada"); 

try {
//dentro do "try" você executa seu método de gerar PDF.

} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage(); 
  • Once an exception is generated nothing else is executed, so the die is not the most ?

  • is mania. hehehe

  • +1 for the comments on the script and for the simplicity.


You can use the Try catch block for this, so instead of you creating an array by passing null you create a treated error.

Code example


try {
  $itens = $this->input->post('itens');
  if (!empty($itens)) {
     $data['itens'] = $itens;
  } else {
     throw new Exception('Erro: marque alguma opção!');
  $this->load->view('ViewDoRelatorio', $data);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
     echo $ex->getMessage();

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