How does the Xor Swap algorithm work?


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I was studying bit-by-bit operations and came across the Xor Swap algorithm. I understand what it does (exchange the value of two variables), but I don’t understand how it does it, at the level of calculation and coding.

Follows the algorithm in C:

void xorSwap( int *x, int *y ) {
        if ( x != y ) {
                *x ^= *y;
                *y ^= *x;
                *x ^= *y;

                /* Versão compacta: *x ^= *y ^= *x ^= *y; */

3 answers


First, let’s remember some properties of XOR (exclusive-OR):

  • A A = 0
  • neutral element: A 0 = A
  • commutative: A B = B A
  • associative: (A B) C = A (B C)

The following is a retracted explanation from here:

The key to convince yourself that this works is to track the original values of x and y. Let A be the original value of x (that is, the value that x has before executing these three lines of code). Similarly, let B be the original value of y.

We can comment on each line of code to see what’s going on.

// x == A, y == B
x = x ^ y ;  
 // x == A ^ B, y == B
y = x ^ y ;  
 // x == A ^ B
 // y == (A ^ B) ^ B == A ^ (B ^ B)  (por associatividade)
 //   == A ^ 0  (devido à propriedade z ^ z == 0)
 //   == A      (devido à propriedade z ^ 0 == z)
x = x ^ y ;
 // x == ( A ^ B ) ^ A
 //   == ( A ^ A ) ^ B  (por associatividade/comutatividade)
 //   == 0 ^ B            (devido à propriedade z ^ z == 0)
 //   == B                (devido À propriedade z ^ 0 == z)
 // y == A

After the second statement executed, y = A. After the third statement, x = B.


It is used to exchange two values without the need for a temporary variable, using operations xor.

To understand it is only to look at the table of xor and analyze step-by-step the algorithm: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

To x = 0b1010 and y = 0b0011:

x = 0b1010 xor 0b0011; // que resulta em x = 0b1001
y = 0b1001 xor 0b0011; // usando o novo valor de x, e y = 0b1010
x = 0b1001 xor 0b1010; // Finalizando com os valores trocados.

It should be considered that this practice is valid for old and low RAM systems and to optimize the use of registers. For current systems, the use of a temporary variable is more appropriate (or proper functions of the system in question). How is discussed here.


What the exclusive disjunction operation (XOR) does is this:

Let’s say we have a variable X and Y. When I do a XOR between X and Y, what happens is, when the values are different, returns a true bit, when they are equal returns a false bit.

In the XOR swap algorithm, what is done is:

  1. Create a "negative" of variable X relative to Y;
  2. Make a XOR of that negative with Y, which returns the value of X;
  3. Make a XOR between the original value of X (now in Y) with the "negative" of X, which returns the original value of Y.

If the values are used as an example x = 12 and y = 10 (as in the link example), we will have:

x = 1100 / y = 1010
x = x XOR y
x = 0110 / y = 1010
y = y XOR x
x = 0110 / y = 1100
x = x XOR y
x = 1010 / y = 1100

Basically, this is one of the exclusive disjunction properties.

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