How to group records by time range?


Viewed 3,657 times


I have a table in Mysql, which stores visits on my site, having as fields: id | ip | date, being the date of the kind DATETIME.

What I need is to separate these visits by peak hours.


Das 10:00 às 12:00 | 500 visitas
Das 14:00 às 16:00 | 800 visitas

What I have today is a list of times and next to the number of visits, regardless of the amount.

Das 06:00 às 08:00 | 220
Das 08:00 às 10:00 | 410
Das 10:00 às 12:00 | 105

I need to sort by the time you’ve had more visitors, how to do this?

What I got now is this:

$sel_visitas = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM acessos_site"); 
if(mysql_num_rows($sel_visitas) >= 1){ 
    $sel_00_06 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM acessos_site WHERE TIME(data) BETWEEN '00:00:00' AND '06:00:00'");
    $visitas_00_06 = mysql_num_rows($sel_00_06); 
<table border="0" style="width:940px;"> 
    <tr class="tit"> 
        <td>Das 00:00 às 06:00</td> 
        <td><?php echo $visitas_00_06;?></td> 
  • The code you posted doesn’t match what you put in "What I have today is ...".

3 answers


You can use Mysql functions to handle(CASE), group(GROUP_BY) and sort the results(ORDER BY):

SELECT tempo,count(*) as quantidade
  WHEN DATE_FORMAT(data, '%H:%i:%s') > '07:00' 
  && DATE_FORMAT(data, '%H:%i:%s') < '09:00' THEN '07h às 09h'
  WHEN DATE_FORMAT(data, '%H:%i:%s') > '12:00' 
  && DATE_FORMAT(data, '%H:%i:%s') < '14:00' THEN '12h às 14h'
  WHEN DATE_FORMAT(data, '%H:%i:%s') > '19:00' 
  && DATE_FORMAT(data, '%H:%i:%s') < '21:00' THEN '19h às 21h'
  WHEN DATE_FORMAT(data, '%H:%i:%s') > '21:00' 
  && DATE_FORMAT(data, '%H:%i:%s') < '23:00' THEN '21h às 23h'
   ELSE 0 END)
  AS tempo
  FROM base
) as acessos    
GROUP BY tempo
ORDER BY quantidade DESC


I also used the DATE_FORMAT to return only the time. And in relation to PHP the extension mysql was discontinued, use the mysqli.


If you want to find out the peak time according to all your site’s visit history:

    HOUR(data) AS hora,
    COUNT(*) AS acessos
FROM acessos_site
ORDER BY acessos DESC;

If you want to find out the peak time of each day:

    YEAR(data) AS ano,
    MONTH(data) AS mes,
    DAYOFMONTH(data) AS dia,
    count(*) AS acessos
FROM acessos_site
GROUP BY ano, mes, dia
ORDER BY acessos DESC;


Come on I believe this will solve for you:

SELECT * FROM visitas WHERE HOUR(data) >= 10 and HOUR(data) <= 12;
SELECT COUNT(*) as nVisitas FROM visitas WHERE HOUR(data) >= 10 and HOUR(data) <= 12;

From a tested, in case it doesn’t solve your case post here again I try to find another solution....

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