How to put text in bold in Android String.xml?


Viewed 3,049 times



On Android, I put:

<string name="msg"> <b> Mensagem: </b> A mensagem que será ixibida junto ao áudio na tela. </string>

Just where it says "Message" I wish it was in bold, but even using the tag Bold is not working.

Can you help me, please ?

  • Place the <html> tag at the beginning and close it </html> at the end of the string and see if it works

1 answer


Actually use only the <b> </br> worked. The problem was that I spent the whole week developing the app in my note that it is bad and I could not test. Now already at home I tested on my PC and worked the bold, but only does not appear inside Android Studio, only at the time of running the application :)

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