Maximum and minimum payment


Viewed 67 times


I have two tables, customers and payments, I want to verify from each customer which was the largest and smallest payment each made. I did this SQL, but it didn’t work, someone could help me?

SELECT c.customerName, max(p.amount), min(p.amount)
FROM customers c, payments p 
WHERE p.customerNumber = c.customerNumber 
ORDER BY c.customerNumber
  • Just for the record, the name of the tables are in Portuguese or English?

  • Which error returned? This is the GROUP BY clause.

1 answer


GROUP BY clause missing in your SELECT.

SELECT c.customerName, max(p.amount), min(p.amount)
FROM customers c, payments p 
WHERE p.customerNumber = c.customerNumber 
GROUP BY c.customerNumber
ORDER BY c.customerNumber

Another way you can do is by using JOIN:

SELECT c.customerName, max(p.amount), min(p.amount)
FROM customers c
JOIN payments p ON p.customerNumber = c.customerNumber
GROUP BY c.customerNumber
ORDER BY c.customerNumber

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