Problem connecting port 80 Apache


Viewed 519 times


I’m trying to use BitNami Stack MAPP 5.5.30-0 ( For Apache Web Server, Postgresql)

When I try to configure Apache Web Server I get this error : "Cannot bind to port 80. It is probably Taken by Another application or you don’t have enough privileges." It’s probably taken over by another app or you don’t have enough privileges .

  • I don’t want to change and use another door. I really want to use door 80.

  • I don’t know the app is using port 80 .

  • I’m using a MAC OS X Yosemite.

I tried this command:

sudo lsof -i ' : 80'

But nothing is running on this door .

I opened the httpd.conf and I tried to change the listening door to 80. But it’s still not working .

Can someone help me ? Thank you

  • 1

    the command does not seem correct... try this lsof -n -i4TCP:$PORT | grep LISTEN or sudo lsof -i ':80' (space-free)

  • I tried this command but gave this message: lsof: unacceptable port specification in: -i 4TCP:
lsof 4.87
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 usage: [-?abhlnNoOPRtUvV] [+|-c c] [+|-d s] [+D D] [+|-f[cgG]]
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Use the ``-h'' option to get more help information.

  • tried also the command: sudo lsof -i ':80' but nothing appears, only if you have some site opened in the browser.

2 answers


The correct syntax to check whether a service is listening to a particular port is:

sudo lsof -i :80


The application that is using port 80 is probably an Apache coming from an AMP (Apache Mysql PHP) that already comes pre-installed or preconfigured on the Mac, since version OSX 10.10 Yosemite.

When correctly using the command on the terminal of your Mac (as the colleague listed above):

    sudo lsof -i :80

Probably will be listed some httpd processes that are using port 80. To finish them just type the command:

    sudo apachectl stop

Then try to list again the processes that are using port 80 and you will be that nothing will be listed, again using the command:

    sudo lsof -i :80

If it doesn’t work, you can still try to start Apache on your Mac with the command:

    sudo apachectl start

and then finish it with the command:

    sudo apachectl stop

DONE! DONE WITH IT! You can now use the Apache Web Server service of your choice. I hope I’ve been able to help.

Manage to solve this problem after reading this tutorial.

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