Change data from a specific position in Listview


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I would like to know how I can change data from a certain Listview position.

Here I upload from the database to Listview:

public void carregarEmails(Cliente cliente) {
    ArrayList<Email> listaView = dao.pegarResultListaEmail(cliente);
    listaEmail.setAdapter(new ClienteCadEmailBaseAdapter(getActivity(), listaView));

Code retrieving data from selected line:

private void informacaoSelecionadaEmail(View v) {
    listaEmail = (ListView) v.findViewById(;
    listaEmail.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
            Object o = listaEmail.getItemAtPosition(position);
            objEmail = (Email) o;
            posicaoEmail = position;

Now to take the changed in Edittext and send to the line again that I have no idea how to do.

  • 1

    Welcome to Sopt. It would be nice to add the code of your attempts so that we can help you better =]

  • Hello, thank you very much, so I have no idea how to change, I can recover by getItemAtPosition, but to return the value changed to the position I have no idea how it does, I already researched something that could help me but I believe I’m looking for wrong

  • So put in your current code and we’ll help you

  • added the bank capture and capture codes from Listview

1 answer


To Listview is a visual representation of the data from a data source.
The data is converted into Views using a Adapter

Thus, to change any given/value shown by Listview, it is necessary to amend that data source and inform the Adapter of that change, using the Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged().

  • Hello ramaral, if I understood after the change I use the novityDataSetChanged() method, I read some things about but could not understand, this method serves to persist the data inside the Adapter?

  • I have now seen the addition to the question. If you are using a BD you should use a Cursoradapter. If you want to continue using Basedapter you will need to make the change to ArrayList<Email> listaView and in the comic book and then call notifyDataSetChange(). The notifyDataSetChange does not persist at all, just informs the Adapter to update the Listview.

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