I’m mapping an image so that when I click on a certain area, another page will be referenced in an iframe. However, so that the user can know where he is clicking, I want to increase the opacity of that area and put a text.
<img src="..." usemap="#mapa"/>
<map name="mapa">
<span id="tutorias">
<area shape="rect" coords="" href="teste1.html" target="janela">
<area shape="rect" coords="" href="teste2.html" target="janela">
Well, my idea was to show a text on top of the coordinates passed. So that only covered that particular area.
Summarizing what I plan, is to show the name of the area that the user put the mouse and demarcate it.
Put the code you already have so we can see the situation.
He put Raphael, just like example running and running.
– durtto