Doubt about white spaces within PHP code


Viewed 612 times


I’m making the connection with prepared statments to insert many variables, and in some cases it takes me a long time to find the mistakes, and now I put in one here and hit me a question:

White spaces make a difference, I can break lines and give spaces quietly?

For example, I can do:


Or has to be:

mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'sissssiiiiiissi ....

The same for variables and field declaration. I’m putting 3 in 3 in each row for everything, to give to count easier and visualize the lack of some variable etc...

$sql = "INSERT INTO tabela(
campo1, campo2, campo3,
campo4, campo5, campo6 ....

Only the values that I’m putting 10 out of 10:

    ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
    ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ....

In the case of the error in question, I have already checked a million times, so I know that nothing is missing, everything has 138oooo!! (:/) So I think there must be some mistake in the identation, because there are spaces and line breaks too...

The error is as follows:

"Number of Elements in type Definition string doesn’t match number of bind variables"

(This number of bind variables are the ?, ?, or are the ssss . Do you have any way of knowing at least what the difference is, whether of a field or 20?)

So here in this case the question is: Might white spaces be affecting the code? How PHP interprets the whitespace inside the script (I searched, but only found explanations about the trim() :) :/ ) ?

  • I think it is not the case to use Trim().. should be due to line breaks in the type definition parameter sissssiiiiiissi.. Remove invalid line breaks or other characters from this parameter.

  • haha no, is that I researched about "white spaces in php" in google, and only received resulytados on the trim() rsrsr I’ll take the test...

  • 1

    would be right to google the error message "Number of Elements in type Definition string doesn’t match number of bind variables" . Whenever you see an error message, just copy and play on google, which will give you a closer result. Usually it will fall on a link of stackoverflow kkk

  • Yes, I went on all of the first page at least rsrsr almost all in the OS, but my problem was this one that you said even... because now changed the error, is recording, but -1 lines lol... I think I’ll ask another question about it if it does not solve here, but this problem that was gone after I put the #$%$%&*& ssss on the same line... :-D thanks! @Danielomine

  • Perhaps it is better to keep the data type in variable.

  • Your code doesn’t allow you to write otherwise ?

  • @rray did not understand, how would do it?

  • @Danielomine Just for the record, after I removed the breaks in ssss... that you suggested, and I got a little something here another one there (that had nothing to do with the error of the question) worked perfectly.... thanks!

  • @Edilson did not understand, but I made a comment in your reply... thanks.

  • 1

    The white spaces tbm make a difference, I’m doing some tests here.

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2 answers


In the PHP, can break spaces in some functions, there is no problem, for example in a array:

$array = array(
              'indice'=>                     'Valor',
              'indice1'                 => 'Valor' 

In this function for example, you can place spaces, provided that the values in it with you keep the structure, it continues to work, and without any problems.

But in other cases, not so much. Let’s take for example when it comes to Strings, Whole, and others, usually you will get any error as a return, see this example:

$n = 1.     50; // Quebra o código e retorna um erro de sintaxe;
$n1 = 1.50;     // retorna 1.5 como deveria ser
$string = "E                       u"; // Retorna (E     u) com um espaço inserido
$string1 = "Eu"; // Retorna (eu) do jeito como foi formatado

echo $n . "<br/>"; // A execução do código vai parar nesta linha, por causa da quebra
echo $n1 . "<br/>";
echo $string . "<br/>";
echo $string1 . "<br/>";

It turns out that sometimes it’s not about writing the code the way you want it to be, it’s about good practice, so you can avoid as many mistakes as possible, because you’re not going to write the code in an inconvenient way either, that even we may have problems to analyze. So it’s good to always keep the things that are supposed to be connected, connected, and the things that are supposed to be separate, separate, because even though we understand the code, despite the spaces that are inserted, the interpreter most of the time can’t, a reference to that, is the example I passed above.

The only advice here is to maintain good practice, and if people write the codes without the spaces to this day, it’s because they themselves must have tested it. Otherwise we would be seeing spaces in the official examples of the PHP, and others.

  • +1 But then Edilson, I only started to insert the spaces after seeing similar things in the OS (which actually were not spaces, but line breaks, and never in the place where it gave problem here...), and only because the code was getting confused, very difficult to "see"... In this case, the space that was giving problem was even "due to line breaks in the type definition parameter sissssiiiiiissi." as @Danielomine said After I removed the breaks and spaces, it worked perfectly... Thanks.

  • That’s something.


Spaces or line breaks are interpreted by Mysqli as one of the placeholder types the error generated is:

Number of Elements in type Definition string doesn’t match number of bind variables in

Any character other than the types defined in documentation sidb generates the error, x is invalid character and n is the +1 position.

Undefined fieldtype x (Parameter n)

Error simulation

CREATE TABLE `pessoas` (
  `nome` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  `idade` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `profissao` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `id_UNIQUE` (`id`)

Test file


$nome = 'teste '. rand(0, 5000);
$idade = rand(1,120);
$profissao = 'pro';

$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'web');
$sql = "INSERT INTO pessoas (nome, idade, profissao) VALUES(?,?,?)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);

//quebra de linha proposital
ss', $nome, $idade, $profissao);

    echo '<br>Erro: SQLState:'. $db->errno . ' Descrição: '. $db->error;
    echo 'sucesso';

The output of the above test and variant understands that four types have been defined and only three values have passed (variables).

$stmt->bind_param('s ss', $nome, $idade, $profissao);

is the same:

Number of Elements in type Definition string doesn’t match number of bind variables in

Other curious examples

$stmt->bind_param('aaa', $nome, $idade, $profissao);
$stmt->bind_param('   ', $nome, $idade, $profissao);


Undefined fieldtype to (Parameter 2) in


To keep the type setting organized, I suggest you set a pattern and assign it to a variable and remove invalid characters with str_replace().

$invalidos = array("\n","\r", "\r\n", " ");
$tipos ='s

$tipos = str_replace($invalidos, "",$tipos);
$stmt->bind_param($tipos, $nome, $idade, $profissao);

The Insert is performed smoothly. Another simpler solution is to pass the number of parameters to str_repeat() do the work, in the example I purposefully used all values as s I believe that this typing is of no use at 90% or their use is not at all obvious.


$tipos = str_repeat('s', 3);
$stmt->bind_param($tipos, $nome, $idade, $profissao);
  • Ohhhhhh there yes!! Killed the snake and showed the stick! :-)

  • 1

    @gustavox ... this thing of typing parameters ta getting me out of the picture, it seems to serve no purpose ... in Pdo is the same thing has a case that makes the difference ... sei la talvez faz a diferença em stored procedures ...

  • Yes, this type of error is very boring, especially for those who are not experienced... but at least this is solved. : -) Thanks!

  • @Gustavox test with 138 is dirty ne? kkk

  • kkkkk had made others with 10, 12, and then decided to make the most difficult first...:)

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