Reading Archives in ASCII Census 2010


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Does anyone know where to download ASCII (.sas) files for reading the IBGE 2010 Demographic Census microdata ?

I know that the Anthony Damico keeps only a few files on his website (see below how to download), but I am looking for the files available by IBGE itself. Damico does not provide, for example, the reading file of the mortality database.

   # download arquivo SAS de pessoas

     download.file( "" , "" )

ps. No IBGE website/2010 census It is possible to download the microdata and documentation, but there is no information about the reading files in SAS

UPDATE (02 Oct 2015)

I confirmed the @Rcoster response with two IBGE researchers. IBGE does not provide the SAS reading files on the website. I followed @Rcoster’s suggestion and created a script that:

  • download data and documentation from the 2010 census
  • uses the excel variable dictionary to build the base reading file in .txt and convert to format data.table
  • saves the bases in .csv

The script is very fast and is available here. Suggestions are welcome.

  • The census microdata are in CSV or . xls, so the reading is done directly (read.xsl() or read.csv2()). Or you want the sample data?

  • I want to read the sample data. Thank you for the information

2 answers


These files are not made available by IBGE. What IBGE makes available is a file with layout of each bank (Layout / Layout_microdados_sample.xls), which allows you to make your own syntax.


Complementing the @Rcoster response, I present here an alternative solution in which the syntax of reading the data .txt from the variable dictionary file .xls.

# Load libraries

# Abre arquivo Excel com dicionario de variaveis
  dic_dom <- read_excel("./Documentacao/Layout_microdados_Amostra.xls", sheet =1, skip = 1)
  dic_pes <- read_excel("./Documentacao/Layout_microdados_Amostra.xls", sheet =2, skip = 1)
  dic_mor <- read_excel("./Documentacao/Layout_microdados_Amostra.xls", sheet =4, skip = 1)

# converte para data.table

# Cria funcao para computar largura das variaveis, e muda nome de posicao inicial e final
  computeWidth <- function(dataset){dataset[, DEC := 0]
                                    dataset[, width := INT + DEC]

# Aplica funcao
  lapply(list(dic_dom,dic_pes,dic_mor), computeWidth)

This code was taken from this scritp here, which downloads and reads the basis of the 2010 census

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