How to get the complete ZIP code through the GPS of the mobile phone


Viewed 2,497 times


I’m trying to get the full zip code through my location using the GPS of my mobile in Objective-C, but it returns only 5 digits. I used the following code snippet:

NSString *cepcompleto = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@", placemark.postalCode, [placemark.addressDictionary objectForKey:@"PostCodeExtension"]];

Follow the rest of the code:

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation {
    CLLocation *currentLocation = newLocation;
    [geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:currentLocation completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error) {
        if (error == nil && [placemarks count] > 0) {
            placemark = [placemarks lastObject];
            NSString *cepcompleto = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@", placemark.postalCode, [placemark.addressDictionary objectForKey:@"PostCodeExtension"]];

            digitoCep = [placemark.addressDictionary objectForKey:@"PostCodeExtension"];
            cepEstatico = cepcompleto;

            [vg setCep];
        } else {
            NSLog(@"%@", error.debugDescription);
    [manager startUpdatingLocation];
  • 2

    Five digits? Looks like the American standard. Really I don’t know what this object is placemark.addressDictionary, post more code details, this is an API?

  • Perhaps the additional information of this answer help you.

  • 1

    Yes it is an API, I found some examples similar to mine, but it was occurring the same problem, in certain points it displayed the complete cep.

1 answer


Your code is correct. However, the CEP mapping in Brazil is flawed and you may encounter null values in the case of key @"PostCodeExtension". For this reason, I consider it a safer alternative to use the key @"FormattedAddressLines".

Instead of:

NSString *cepcompleto = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@", placemark.postalCode, [placemark.addressDictionary objectForKey:@"PostCodeExtension"]];

Try this:

NSString *cepcompleto = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [placemark.addressDictionary[@"FormattedAddressLines"][3]];

Notice that the key @"FormattedAddressLines" is a NSArray with other values such as address, neighborhood and other values besides the zip code that are formatted in a similar way to what we found in Brazil.

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