Display different objects with equal groups


Viewed 253 times


I tried it in various ways, got different results some good, others not so much. I would like to do something like store group/objects in Mysql and display on screen using PHP

I have this table

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I would like to display a result similar to this(done in photoshop):

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

So far I have this code:

    $consulta = "SELECT * FROM Grupos";
    $con = $mysqli->query($consulta) or die($mysqli->error);

    while($dado = $con->fetch_array()){
for($Objeto =1; $Objeto <= 3; $Objeto++){
 echo $dado["$Objeto"] . "<br>";


But he displays it this way:

group 1 10


Grupo2 30


group 3 2039


2 answers


1) To get the result you expect purely with SQL, you can use UNION. However, this option does not work if you increase the number of objects. It responds to your need with 2 objects:

SELECT grupo, objeto1 FROM objetos
SELECT grupo, objeto2 FROM objetos

Proof: http://sqlfiddle.com/#! 9/f19f2/2/0


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

One option with JOIN, allowing infinite groups and objects.

2) RECOMMENDED: Option sorting directly by SQL

http://sqlfiddle.com/#! 9/bcbcb/30

SELECT g.grupo, o.objeto
FROM objetos o
LEFT JOIN grupos g ON g.id = o.grupoid
WHERE g.id IN (SELECT id FROM grupos ORDER BY grupo)

3) Option sorting by PHP

  • not recommended, shown here only as an example

Structure of the Database (example): http://sqlfiddle.com/#! 9/bcbcb/14/0

QUERY SQL returns grouped by groups, but the PHP code sorts the way you asked the question.

ATTENTION: this code works since you always enter the same amount of objects per group.


$consulta = "SELECT g.grupo, objeto 
FROM objetos o
LEFT JOIN grupos g ON g.id = o.grupoid";
$con = $mysqli->query($consulta) or die($mysqli->error);

$objetos = [];
$grupos = [];
$qtdObjetosGrupoKey = '';

foreach($con->fetch_array() as $linha) { 
    if(!in_array($linha['grupo'], $grupos)) {
        $grupos[] = $linha['grupo'];

    if(!isset($qtdObjetos)) {
        $qtdObjetos = [$linha['grupo']] => 0;
        $qtdObjetosGrupoKey = $linha['grupo'];

    if(!isset($objetos[$linha['grupo']])) {
        $objetos[$linha['grupo']] = [];


    $objetos[$linha['grupo']][] = $linha['objeto'];

    if(isset($qtdObjetos[$linha['grupo']])) {

$itensPorGrupo = $qtdObjetos[$qtdObjetosGrupoKey];
$itemPos = 0;

for($i = 0; $i < $itensPorGrupo; $i++) {
    foreach($grupos as $grupo) {
        $resultado[] = [
            'grupo' => $grupo,
            'objeto' => $objetos[$grupo][$itemPos]

  • This way it even worked, but every time I put one more object on the table, I have to repeat the UNION?

  • Yes, but if you are going to expand the amount of objects it is better to have a table for groups and another for objects and do Joins. I passed the example of UNION if there were really only 2 objects, otherwise, depending on the volume of data, SELECT will be impractical.

  • 1

    I am creating an example with JOINS and I update it here.

  • I edited my question with the example with JOINS. It is much more complex in PHP, but you will have robustness and infinite growth, without adding new columns to the database.

  • QUERY SQL returns grouped by groups, but the PHP code sorts the way you asked the question.

  • I’ll take a look, thanks

  • The SQL query and fiddle were wrong, fixed.

  • 2

    I liked your question, because I found the way of ordering curious. Thus, I arrived at an infinitely more simplified form, I edited the answer. It would be with this SQL: SELECT g.grupo, o.objeto&#xA;FROM objetos o&#xA;LEFT JOIN grupos g ON g.id = o.grupoid&#xA;WHERE g.id IN (SELECT id FROM grupos ORDER BY grupo)

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Try this

$consulta = "SELECT * FROM Grupos";
$con = $mysqli->query($consulta) or die($mysqli->error);

foreach($con->fetch_array() as $linha) { 
    $grupo[] = $linha['Grupo'];
    $obj1[] = $linha['Objeto1'];
    $obj2[] = $linha['Objeto2'];

for ($i=0; $i<count($grupo);$i++) {
    echo $grupo[$i];
    echo $obj1[$i];
    echo $obj2[$i];
    echo "<br/>";

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