Load a page from an html string


Viewed 958 times


I am with the following doubt that, I believe that although it is beast, it is giving me a beautiful job.

Next, I have a variable like string and I need to perform a method that will receive this code and display the page in a new tab. I was using the library SelectPdf to convert this string in a PDF but when using with Azure it does not work so lost here. Someone can help me?

2 answers


You only need to open a web page from a link in your application?

If that’s it, try:


To open in new tab, you can use the attribute target=_blank in a simple link, for example:

<a href="http://seu_site_aqui" target="_blank" >Clique aqui</a>
  • is not a page, the page(html code) is inside a variable of type string and it is the one that I want to click on a page. In other words I want to render my variable on a new page

  • @user24203 I’m glad you didn’t like this gambiarra :)

  • you want to simulate the behavior of an HTML <iframe> then? Display the contents of one html page within another?

  • Yes that’s right, but not necessarily because I will open in a new window not in the current page


Let’s see, you could create an HTML file based on its string using the IO class, which would take it and turn it into a file, and write it in the same place where your application is. Then just open it using the:


That’s it. I’ve done it many times.

Let’s see, I realized you don’t quite understand what I mean, so I’ll demonstrate with this pseudocode:

string suaString = "<!DOCTYPE html><html>...</html>";
StreamWriter escritor = new StreamWriter(@"...\paginaQueDesejo.html");

// Pronto, sua pagina foi criada e está pronta para ser exibida, agora é só exibí-la.

Just this, I don’t know if this will solve your problem, but in most cases this is a simple and efficient solution.

  • It is not a page, the page(html code) is inside a variable of type string and it is the one that I want to click on a page. In other words I want to render my variable on a new page

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