Let’s see, you could create an HTML file based on its string using the IO class, which would take it and turn it into a file, and write it in the same place where your application is. Then just open it using the:
That’s it. I’ve done it many times.
Let’s see, I realized you don’t quite understand what I mean, so I’ll demonstrate with this pseudocode:
string suaString = "<!DOCTYPE html><html>...</html>";
StreamWriter escritor = new StreamWriter(@"...\paginaQueDesejo.html");
// Pronto, sua pagina foi criada e está pronta para ser exibida, agora é só exibí-la.
Just this, I don’t know if this will solve your problem, but in most cases this is a simple and efficient solution.
is not a page, the page(html code) is inside a variable of type string and it is the one that I want to click on a page. In other words I want to render my variable on a new page
– user24203
@user24203 I’m glad you didn’t like this gambiarra :)
– Maniero
you want to simulate the behavior of an HTML <iframe> then? Display the contents of one html page within another?
– feresjorge
Yes that’s right, but not necessarily because I will open in a new window not in the current page
– user24203