Error: Cannot find data type long


Viewed 156 times


I am trying to create a precedent in SQL Server 2012, but it is giving the following error in signing it.

Mensagem 2715, Nível 16, Estado 3, Procedimento MINHAPROCEDURE, Linha 6
Column, parameter, or variable #1: Cannot find data type long.
Parameter or variable '@IDCatOrigem' has an invalid data type.
Mensagem 2715, Nível 16, Estado 3, Procedimento MINHAPROCEDURE, Linha 6
Column, parameter, or variable #2: Cannot find data type long.
Parameter or variable '@IDCatDestino' has an invalid data type.
    (@IDCatOrigem [long], 
    @IDCatDestino [long])

I have tried without parentheses, without brackets and nothing... How to create a process with input parameters?

2 answers


The guy long does not exist in SQL Server. Use bigint in place, it’s the same thing.


See what the mistake says

Column, Parameter, or variable #1: Cannot find data type long.
Parameter or variable@Idcatorigem has an invalid data type.

There is no data type long in SQL Server, the equivalent is the type bigint.

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