Perl for web development


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You can use Perl for web development?

In this context, the language offers some benefit, that is, there are problems that it solves more effectively than on other platforms?

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    João, welcome to []! The Stackoverflow question and answer format is not suitable for discussions, as it would be in a Forum. In addition, your question contains many questions that end up being based on opinions. I believe that mainly because of these reasons, some community users suspended their question. However, feel free to ask new questions when you have more specific questions. Optionally, you can edit your question and try to make it more specific. I suggest you read [Ask]. Hug!

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    I appreciate it but in the end this community is exactly as I was told. Being full of rules ends up being boring. A knowledge pushed down almost as good as reading a 1950s literature book. This seems like a heap of theoretical part in the most massive way possible. First and last experience here.

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    [] rules or any website may be a bit boring at first, and we have several points to improve, but this organization is the reason why the OS is the most accessed programming site in the world. We try to make information available in an objective and direct way. In any "common" forum there are also rules you should follow and although you have a little more freedom in the way you express yourself, the topics are all messy and poorly organized being much harder to benefit other people.

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    Do you have this kind of help in a forum like @utluiz? I don’t think so. Feel free to ask, drop by tour and see how to ask.

2 answers


Yes, it is possible to develop in Perl for WEB. The biggest benefit is the modules available in the CPAN as aid to an immense amount of problems already solved. Even for object orientation, you have several options, such as Moose, Class::Tiny or Moo.

Like other languages, Perl is in active development, and towards the end of the year the release of Perl6 is planned, keeping Perl5 as separate projects, almost as distinct languages.

As for the language to be used, except in very special cases like Erlang, they will not solve problems in a particular way. Here is more a matter of opinion and ecosystem that suits you best. There are similar solutions when working with PHP, Ruby, Perl or Python.

In the Perl ecosystem, you find three major frameworks currently:

  • Catalyst
  • Mojolicious and Mojolicious::Lite
  • Dancer2

There are other options, but these three are the reference in the community.


It’s definitely possible, by the way, 10 or 15 years ago, it was widely used on the web. At the time it was called the server-side part of CGI scripts, which were mostly Perl scripts.

I believe that if you are familiar with the UNIX environment, and with the language, you will not have many problems.

As for effectiveness compared to other languages, I am not familiar with any field in which Perl excels in performance.

But I think it’s totally valid if it’s a small/personal project of yours and Perl is a language you like or want to learn.

For larger systems, I recommend taking a look at Django or other popular platforms, will make your life easier if you need to hire programmers.

  • Just to complement this answer: is all done in Perl. So much so that they are considered the "barn" of Perl developers in Europe.

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