Popular second select after selecting the first select


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good night!

I want to popular the second select with the data depending on the first select, I have the following code


         type: "POST",
         url: "carregaDados",
         data: {relatorio: $("#relatorio").val()},
         dataType: "json",
         success: function(json){
            var options = "";
            $.each(json, function(key, value){
               options += '<option value="' + key + '">' + value + '</option>';

<div class="form-group">
                                            <label class="col-md-3 control-label">Relatório</label>
                                            <div class="col-md-9">                                                                                            
                                                <select class="form-control" name="relatorio" id="relatorio">
                                                    <option value="0">Escolha um relatório</option>
                                                    <option value="chamadosCliente">Chamados por cliente</option>
                                                    <option value="chamadosTecnico">Chamados por Tecnico</option>

                                       <div class="form-group">
                                            <label class="col-md-3 control-label" for="filtro">Filtro</label>
                                            <div class="col-md-9">                                                                                            
                                                <select class="form-control" name="filtro" id="filtro">



public function carregaDados(){

        $clientes = $this->clientes_model->buscaNomeCliente();
        echo json_encode($clientes);


public function buscaNomeCliente(){
        $this->db->select('id, razaoSocial');
        $query = $this->db->get('clientes');
        return $query->result();

But when it returns the data pro ajax in the View, it returns like this:

Array [ Object, Object ]

It doesn’t return the data as it has to be, someone can help me?

Thank you!

  • From a.log(json) console by Chrome and see which data structure is being returned. It appears that it is returning a Json array

1 answer


I noticed who in your controller you return the data through the line json_encode($clientes);

This causes you to return an object with its JSON representation. So, in the successful response of your AJAX, you need to convert it back in order to be able to interpret your object.

For this to happen, you must include the following line within your AJAX callback:

json = JSON.stringify(json);

Now, your object is converted to the JSON String type.




  • Didn’t work out!!

  • Any errors in the console? What does the debug object look like? If it’s not useful to you, try this line: json = JSON.parse(json); And please let us know if it worked.

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