Convert string in array format into an array and retrieve values


Viewed 72 times


In the database I have a TEXT where an array is saved in this format:

    [ resumo: null ] 
    [ datainicio: 2015-09-17T00:00:00.000-0300 ] 
    [ datafim: 2015-09-22T00:00:00.000-0300 ] 
    [ equipamento: 3421 ] 

I need to retrieve the values of the start date and date. How could I do this? I was researching about the split function of Java, but I could not use it in the right way to bring me the result.

2 answers



public static void main(String[] args)
        String str = "[[ resumo: null ] [ datainicio: 2015-09-17T00:00:00.000-0300 ] [ datafim: 2015-09-22T00:00:00.000-0300 ] [ equipamento: 3421 ]]"
                .replaceAll(Pattern.quote("[["), "")    
                .replaceAll(Pattern.quote("]]"), "");

        String[] strArray = str.split(Pattern.quote("] ["));
        for (int i = 0; i menor strArray.length; i++)
            strArray[i] = strArray[i].replaceAll(Pattern.quote("] ["), "");

        for (String string : strArray)
  • Thank you Emir! That’s just what I needed! Made some treatments, was perfect!


Make sure that’s what you want:

(This code hasn’t been tested, but you might have some idea how to do it)

String frase = "[ 
    [ resumo: null ] 
    [ datainicio: 2015-09-17T00:00:00.000-0300 ] 
    [ datafim: 2015-09-22T00:00:00.000-0300 ] 
    [ equipamento: 3421 ] 
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("datainicio: (.*?) ]"); 
// para os outros casos deves de criar um Pattern idêntico  
// Pattern p = Pattern.compile("datafim: (.*?) ]"); 
// Pattern p = Pattern.compile("equipamento: (.*?) ]"); 

Matcher m = p.matcher(frase);  

while (m.find()) {  
    // chamada diferente:  

Here’s some more information on this

  • 1

    Thanks friend! I did not know this form! I managed to use it, but in case I need to recover other fields, or all fields, I thought I’d use the one that Emir Marques posted! Anyway, thank you! Hug!

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