I have a button that when you click, connects to facebook and displays the data of the person in a form for registration, in this form to a field of type text that returns to me the following: http://graph.facebook.com/'.$fb_id.'/picture?width=300
I would like to save the photo that the link returns to me in the database. I was using the file_put_contents('...',file_get_contents())
, but it’s no longer working.
I do not know if I am correct, but I believe that could save the image in a folder and in the database save the path of that folder and click on the form the image called the path recorded in the database.
– anderson seibert
Anderson, thanks for the comment! Imagine this: I get the url: http://graph.facebook.com/'. $fb_id. '/picture? width=300 i would like to know how to save this image in the database!
– Soares
Take a look at this topic who knows how to help you http://answall.com/questions/16396/inser-imagem-no-banco-de-data
– anderson seibert
? What error appears? would be thehttp:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0
?– Guilherme Nascimento
This ae William. I manage to solve my problem by using a class.
– Soares