Only the last array item is displayed


Viewed 63 times


How to play a php code, like a comment system.

Using this code I was able to make this possible but, in the same way the code returns only the last query item:



header("Content-Type: text/html");
header("charset: UTF-8");

$comment_id = $_GET["postID"];

mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "usbw");

$cmd = "SELECT * FROM `comments` WHERE `POST_ID` LIKE '$comment_id' LIMIT 0,10";
$cmd_q = mysql_query($cmd);

$xmlpath = "";

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($cmd_q)) {
    $xmlpath = "<div id='comment.usr'>" . $row["POST_NAME"] . "</div> disse <div id='comment.content'>" . $row["POST_COMMENT"] . "</div>";


<div id="comments">
    <?php echo $xmlpath; ?>

NOTE: If I use $xmlpath += ... it returns a zero ( 0 )

  • 1

    <div id="comments">&#xA; <?php echo $xmlpath; ?>&#xA;</div> that stretch must be inside the while.

  • OK I’ll try! .

  • @rray worked! Thank you very much!

  • @rray comment as reply so I mark as accepted!

  • 1

    Depending on the CSS, it could work only using $xmlpath .= ""; inside the while, as it would concatenate all comments.

1 answer


Place the code snippet <div id="comments"><?php echo $xmlpath; ?></div> while inside so will be printed all comments and not only the last.

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($cmd_q)) {
    $xmlpath = "<div id='comment.usr'>" . $row["POST_NAME"] . "</div> disse <div id='comment.content'>" . $row["POST_COMMENT"] . "</div>";
    echo '<div id="comments">'. $xmlpath .'</div>';

The most equal operator(+=) only works for numbers, to concatenate strings use the point(.) or (.=).

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