I am studying Android programming in Java, and what worries me is that I will only be able to get a portion of the job market, because there are IOS and Windows Phone phones and that does not use the Java Language, I learned of a Java tool called NDK (Native Development Kit) it is a set of tools that allows you to develop native codes in C or C++
i wonder if through NDK is possible to make apps for Windows Phone?
If your concern is to develop a cross-platform application, I think you will have to go to the area of hybrid applications (Html5 + native layer) using Phonegap, Appcelerator or or others for example. Using NDK will only help to make code that does not depend on the API’s of the target platform, otherwise if possible, you will need to handle the API’s (UI, GPS, Storage, etc...) of each platform, which are different, in their C++ code (using Design Patterns help reduce coupling and create an abstraction between your code and the target API).
– Wakim