Show text when typing in textarea


Viewed 3,441 times


Consider the following example:

I have a textarea that, when the user enters something on it, a small text just below should be displayed, and at a certain time after the user has finished typing his phrase, the text should disappear!

I even got something here, look: jsfiddle

But when typing the text has a small effect that I do not like! The text is kind of 'appearing and disappearing' very fast, I just want to type the text to appear and to stop it disappearing, with a delay in the meantime.

  • 3

    Warning: this issue has become a jQuery Golf Code. Who is willing to solve the problem without using jQuery!? (Tip: CSS3)

5 answers


Put a .stop(true) before the animations: (jsfiddle)

  $('#showedText').text('Just a test!')

The .stop() for the animations performed, using true as argument will also clear the queue of animations, preventing old animations to be executed.


I’m willing! And since it’s completely different from the first answer:

You don’t need to use jQuery: use CSS3 and if you need to, Vanilla JS or its equivalent in jQuery:

Show text while textarea has focus no need for JS: (jsbin)

#showedText {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 1s 1s;
#myTextarea:focus + #showedText {
  opacity: 1; transition-delay: 0;

Show text while textarea is being edited uses little JS: (jsbin)

#showedText {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 1s 1s;
#showedText.editing {
  opacity: 1; transition-delay: 0;

Javascript utilizado - Vanilla JS:

var myTextarea = document.getElementById('myTextarea');
var showedText = document.getElementById('showedText');
myTextarea.addEventListener('keydown', function () {
  showedText.className += ' editing ';
  setTimeout(function () {
    showedText.className = showedText.className
      .replace(/(^|\b)editing(\b|$)/g, '');
  }, 500);

Javascript utilizado - jQuery or Zepto:

var showedText = $('#showedText');
$('#myTextarea').on('keydown', function () {
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 500);

Editing: while I was writing this wall of code other people ventured into using CSS3, so I leave a hint to the author: prefix.

  • Too good the answer only using CSS3 ;) +1


Function that can be reused in n other textareas:

function mostratexto(el, txt, ms){
    var t;
        t = setTimeout(function(){
        }, ms);

Basically what the function will do is fire a timeout and remove the timeout each time a key is pressed with the textarea in focus, that is, it restarts the counter that will disappear with the text, preventing the text from being "flashing".

Example: FIDDLE


The html:

 <textarea onkeyup="stop()" onkeydown="start()">
 <span id="span" style="opacity: 0">digitando...</span>

the javascript:

 function start(){
   var span = document.getElementById('span'); = "1"; = "0.1s"
 function stop(){
   var span = document.getElementById('span'); = "0"; = "1.5s"


Besides using a .stop() i inserted the setTimeOut() to control the "disappear" of the text

        $('#showedText').text('Just a test!').stop().fadeIn(700, "linear");
    setTimeout(function(){$('#showedText').stop().fadeOut(700, "linear");},2000);

You can see the code working here

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