How to set an initial date in this countdown done in Angularjs


Viewed 917 times


I created a module in Angular JS that takes the current date of the clock and starts counting to the end, but I need to be able to set an initial date to start counting that is not based on the clock, how do I do this?

    angular.module('iCountdown', [])
        .directive("iCountdown", function () {

            return {
                restrict: "EAC",
                scope: {
                    setDate: "@",
                    expireMessage: "@",
                    formatView: "@"
                replace: true,
                template: "<div><div></div></div>",
                link: function (scope, element) {

                    scope.insertDate = function() {

                    scope.$watch('setDate', function() {
                    }, true);

                    var end = new Date();
                    var _second = 1000;
                    var _minute = _second * 60;
                    var _hour = _minute * 60;
                    var _day = _hour * 24;

                    var params = {
                        hour: _hour,
                        day: _day,
                        interval: null,
                        messageFinal: 'expired!',
                        format:'Y-m-d H:i:s',
                        dateEnd: null

                    scope.setMessageExpired = function(message) {
                        params.messageFinal = message;

                    scope.setId = function(id) {
               = id;
                        scope.viewElement.setAttribute("id", id);

                    scope.setDateFinal = function(dateVal) {
                        params.dateEnd = dateVal;

                    var createDateFinal = function(strDate) {

                        var reggie = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/;
                        var dateArray = reggie.exec(strDate);
                        return new Date(
                            (+dateArray[2])-1, // Careful, month starts at 0!


                    scope.remaining = function() {
                        var now = new Date();

                        end = createDateFinal(params.dateEnd);

                        var distance = end - now;

                        if (distance < 0) {
                            //scope.viewElement.view = params.messageFinal;
                            element[0].innerHTML = params.messageFinal;
                        var days = Math.floor(distance /;
                        var hours = Math.floor((distance % / 

                    var minutes = Math.floor((distance % params.hour) / params.minute);
                    var seconds = Math.floor((distance % params.minute) / params.second);
                    var elementsTime = [];
                    elementsTime[0] =((days < 10) ? '0' : '') + days;
                    elementsTime[1] =((hours < 10) ? '0' : '') + hours;
                    elementsTime[2] =((minutes < 10) ? '0' : '') + minutes;
                    elementsTime[3] =((seconds < 10) ? '0' : '') + seconds;
                    element[0].innerHTML =  scope.setFormatViewTime(elementsTime);


                scope.setFormatViewTime = function(elementsTime) {
                    return scope.formatView
                        .replace(/%d/gi, elementsTime[0])
                        .replace(/%h/gi, elementsTime[1])
                        .replace(/%i/gi, elementsTime[2])
                        .replace(/%s/gi, elementsTime[3]);

                scope.setFormatDate = function(format) {
                    params.format = format;

                scope.start = function () {
                    if (!(end instanceof Date) || isNaN(end.valueOf()) ) {
                        console.log('A data final não foi definida, adicione uma data conforme o exemplo: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss!');
                        return false;
                    params.interval = setInterval(this.remaining, params.second);



And here the current directive:

<i-countdown set-date="2015-08-21 10:10:10" format-view="%d dias %h hs %i min %s sg" expire-message="Fim do período"></i-countdown>

The idea is to change by making a directive this way:

  <i-countdown set-date-start="2015-08-28 10:10:00" set-date-end="2015-09-28 10:10:10" format-view="%d dias %h hs %i min %s sg" expire-message="Fim do período"></i-countdown>

Here’s an example working:

And that was my failed attempt:

1 answer


What it seemed to me was that you always took the same starting date for the count, so the result of the counter did not change. So I created the parameter currDate, where the current counter date is stored:

if (!params.currDate)
    params.currDate = createElementDateInitial(params.dateStart);

_start = params.currDate;
_end = createElementDateFinal(params.dateEnd);

params.currDate.setSeconds(params.currDate.getSeconds() + 1);

In the above code it is checked whether params.currDate is null in the case of the first iteration. If so, it receives the initial date. After that, the currDate will only work with the object Date of the current date, adding one second to each iteration, to approach the final date.

Fiddle And here completion of the counter.

  • 1

    Thank you, I finished finishing the parameters here:

  • @Ivanferrer cool. I hope I helped. No use in a up ? =)

  • Sure. It was bad.

  • @Ivanferrer hehe tranquil, thanks. Anything we are there.

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