CSS - how to make numbering of all levels in nested lists


Viewed 141 times


How to make nested list numbering include parent element numbers (all levels), using CSS only?

By default lists only display the numbering of one level:


The expected result is thus:

1. item
  1.1. item
    1.1.1. item
    1.1.2. item
  1.2. item
2. item
  2.1. item
  2.2. item

1 answer


To do this it is necessary to use the function counters() of property content within CSS pseudo-element ::before of each item in the list. Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Counters.

Note 1: It is only possible to use a numbering type (e.g. decimal, Roman, letter) for all levels, and it is not possible to mix two or more types.

Note 2: When selecting and copying the list the numbers will not be copied, only the texts.

ol {
  /* zera contador para cada lista */
  counter-reset: item;
  /* remove estilo de lista padrão */
  list-style-type: none;
li::before {
  /* incrementa só o contador da lista atual */
  counter-increment: item;
  /* adiciona o valor de todos os contadores pai
  separados pelo segundo parâmetro */
  content: counters(item,'.') '. ';
  /* para suporte a IE < 8 não pode haver espaço entre os argumentos */

  • this is new for me! I didn’t even know what I had to do!

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