Declare Set<double> - JAVA


Viewed 220 times


I wanted to know how to declare a generic type set that is not a class. Example: Set<double>.

All the examples I’ve seen set is from a class.

I’m starting to see sets now. I need to make a Set that has 20 random numbers and takes an average.

I’ll have to create a class with attribute double to do this? Or is there another way?

2 answers


The sets, which implement the interface Collection of Java, as ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, etc... do not accept primitive types.

But nothing prevents you from declaring a Set<Double> seuSet and then do seuSet.add(2.33), a primitive double. Java uses the Wrappers or wrappers when it happens.

Every primitive type in java has a Wrapper correspondent:

int => Integer
long => Long
float => Float
double => Double
... assim por diante...

So when you try to add a primitive double to the array by doing so seuSet.add(2.33) , actually Java runs the following: seuSet.add(new Double(2.33))

And for what you’re wanting, which is to take an average of the numbers, I see no problem doing it that way.


In fact, you can’t use primitive types in Collections java.

If you want to work with double and Set, for your case, the alternatives are:

  • Use any library that provides Collections implemented with primitive types, such as Trove or HPPC;
  • Make your own implementation :);
  • Use Set<Double> even, if the double primitive is not a requirement;

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