When backing up my database on Sqlite3, the Python interpreter returns the following message:
Typeerror: must be Unicode, not str
on the line f.write("%s\n" % linha)
, I couldn’t find a solution regarding this mistake.
Follows the code:
#coding: utf-8
__author__ = 'Dener Carvalho'
import sqlite3
import io
#Conecta ao banco
conn = sqlite3.connect('clientes.db')
with io.open('clientes_dump.sql', 'w') as f:
for linha in conn.iterdump():
f.write("%s\n" % linha)
print 'Backup efetuado com sucesso.'
print 'Salvo como clientes_dump.sql'
Thank you very much, it worked here. I don’t know why this error happened, I thought as text worked.
– gato
I am tempted to vote -1 for you nor comment to what the error means - although the answer is good, since the bank may have blobs. But I suggest reading http://local.joelonsoftware.com/wiki/O_M%C3%Adnimo_absoluto_que_todos_programadores_de_software_they need,_Absolutely,Positivamente_de_Saber_Sobre_Unicode_e_Conjuntos_de_Caracteres(Apologies!)
– jsbueno
@jsbueno the question does not talk about it, it just wants the solution, you recognize yourself that the answer is good, then a negative would be pirraça, and any additional information about it will not solve anything, The solution is this, any one that involves Unicode will potentially create a problem. Look at my answers, when it’s pertinent, I explain, this is not the case.
– Maniero