Configuration table


Viewed 68 times


How could I use a configuration table in nhibernate? That is, a table of only one record and that it only controlled this record, I know you have how to do this via application, but I wanted to know if nhibernate already has some feature of treats it automatically.

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1 answer


I might be wrong because it’s been a long time since I’ve touched this or because I didn’t understand the question, but I don’t think it exists. Nor would there be any reason for anything specific. It is not the function of the ORM to keep dealing with these details. Of course there are some normal things from the framework which you can use to facilitate access to this table. In general a table like this is read once and placed in the cache.

Maybe it’s better to make a table with pairs of property and value. At least it gives more flexibility. It’s just an idea.

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