How to bypass an HTTP redirect?


Viewed 202 times


Is there any way to do a "bypass" and access the page? For example:

if(!isset($variavel)) { 
  header ('Location: error.php');
} else {
  echo 'oi';

1 answer


I don’t know if you consider it a bypass, but header issuance does not finish the script. You should do this manually with exit after a redirect, or the script moves on:

if(!isset($variavel)) { 
  header ('Location: error.php');
} else {
  echo 'oi';
// Chegaria aqui sem o exit

If your doubt is about the execution of else of your code, this is unrelated to the redirect. It all depends on the variable $variavel be defined or not. Of course, if the redirect code of your example is executed, there is no else also be executed.

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