How do I list all the files not added (untracked files) in GIT?


Viewed 458 times


How do I list all the files not added in the commit on git?

It would be important to have this listing so I know when to make one git add in specific files.

Observing: I use the git from the command line, because my operating system is Ubuntu.

  • 2

    Are you talking about git status?

  • 2

    git status ??

3 answers


Another way to make the listing of files marked as untracked would be:

git status --untracked

Or else

git status -u


Usa git status

Documentation: status


You can view the files that have been modified by the command:

 git status

This command displays modified files and files that will be added to the repository.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


untracked shows only files that are not yet part of your repository or are created after you have done the pull in the design and made modifications.

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