How to extract a SFX file with 7zip in command line?


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I would like to know how to extract a SFX file using command line, as an example I have the file Download JDK 8, Self Extractor, its I download this file and extract it using 7zip by graphical interface, the file is extracted without problems, but if I try to do the same in command line, using:

7za x jdk-8u60-ea-bin-b25-windows-i586-21_jul_2015.exe

Instead of getting the files, I actually get 3 binary files:


Does anyone know how to extract this SFX by command line?


I have a software made in Node.js that serves as a repository on my server, it uses the Node-7z module, which in turn in windows uses 7za to unzip files, but in tests I noticed that if I try the same command line process using 7z instead of 7za no error happens.

  • 1

    I voted to close this question because it doesn’t seem to me to be about programming. Although the example uses a JDK compressed file, the question is essentially about using the 7za program. Right? Perhaps it would be more appropriate to ask her at Super User?

  • Hello, thank you for your help, please read the EDITED. thank you!

  • 1

    Opa, for nothing. But then the doubt (if I understood correctly) is about the functioning of the library/module node-7z, which apparently does not work on Windows because (as you discovered on your own) it uses the indicated command that does not extract the files correctly (even if done manually, on the command line - and this was only a test of yours). Is that right? If it is, I would tell you to reverse the way you put the information. Start by explaining that your difficulty is with the module (and not with the program on the command line).

1 answer


7za supports only 7z, lzma, Cab, zip, gzip, bzip2, Z and tar formats.

One Issue has already been opened in the official repository.

  • And I believe it was you who opened it

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