Convert date format DD/MM/YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD stored in a scan


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The field data is the type of varchar, in the month of June the date format is DD/MM/YYYY, but wanted to change it to YYYY-MM-DD since it is the format that Mysql accepts and to follow the current pattern of July. After I switch to the correct format, I would like to change the column data for the guy DATE . What kind of treatment should I do?

3 answers


Based on the fact that you want to update the database directly, follow an update where using the mysql SUBSTR function on all records that do not contain "/".

UPDATE tabela SET campo_data = CONCAT(SUBSTR(campo_data,7,4),'-',SUBSTR(campo_data,4,2),'-',SUBSTR(campo_data,1,2)) 
WHERE campo_data LIKE '%/%'

For example:

Date field = 13/06/2015

SUBSTR(field date,7,4) = 2015 //4 positions from 7 character

SUBSTR(field date,4,2) = 06 //2 positions from 4 character

SUBSTR(field date,1,2) = 13 //2 positions from 1 character

Then just concatenate into the desired format (YEAR-MONTH-DAY):

  • 1

    Could you complete your answer by showing what you are using to answer the question?


If you are receiving the mysql date and want to convert to Brazilian format use the following command:

$data = implode("/",array_reverse(explode("-",$data)));

This will create the mysql date in Brazilian format.

If you want to prepare the date in Brazilian format to insert in mysql use:

$data = implode("-",array_reverse(explode("/",$data)));
  • actually I wanted to change the values that are saved in the database and turn them the date that was in June in the format YYYY-MM-DD, then I will change the column to the type DATE since it is currently like varchar.

  • With this code snippet I put, you can convert the date formats. Then just save to the bank.


The @pedroAugust gave a good answer, but what he said can also be done in an object-oriented way. It is a solution that is already PHP itself, through the class DateTime.

$datetime = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $data);


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