Change the background-image of the div according to the banner image


Viewed 2,080 times


I need to create an effect on my slideshow that for each image displayed in the slideshow the background of div class="banner-backg" change the background-image.

For the slider I’m using the

: HTML by Slider

<div class="banner-backg">
    <div class="banner-center">
        <ul class="bxslider">
            <li><img src="images/banner_1.png" /></li>
            <li><img src="images/banner_2.png" /></li>
            <li><img src="images/banner_3.png" /></li>

: jQuery

    adaptiveHeight: true,
    mode: 'fade',
    speed: 1000

An alternative I thought was to manually insert the background-image for each image. Example:

            <li><img src="images/banner_1.png" setimg="images/background_1jpg" /></li>
            <li><img src="images/banner_2.png" setimg="images/background_2jpg" /></li>

In that, I would run a jQuery that took the value setimg and applied as background in div class="banner-backg". But I don’t have much knowledge of how I can create this variable within the img.

  • You can do this with Callbacks functions, in his documentation you can do it.

  • I tried to use onSlideNext but it only works by changing the background color, I don’t know how I can capture the image path .

1 answer


In your HTML you put like this:

<div class="banner-backg">
<div class="banner-center">
    <ul class="bxslider">
        <li><img src="images/banner_1.png" /></li>
        <li><img src="images/banner_2.png" /></li>
        <li><img src="images/banner_3.png" /></li>

Consider that in the folder images have the files listed below and the library jquery with the version you implement .css():

And in the script you do something like this:

    adaptiveHeight: true,
    mode: 'fade',
    speed: 1000,
    onSlideNext: function($slideElement, oldIndex, newIndex) {
   // var tamanho = {'width':'100%', 'height':'auto'};
          .css({'background':'url(images/background_' + newIndex + '.jpg) center center no-repeat'})
        //  .css(tamanho)
  • I didn’t test it, but check it out.

  • It was worth a shot, but it didn’t work, Ivan. he managed to make it work with COLOR, in my case I just wanted to change the color by image.

  • Dude, it’s the same logic, newindex would be the image number: background_1.jpg, background_2.jpg, background_2.jpg, etc... what I did was actually access the element’s Parent(), which in this case is <ul>, and put a background image. Just set the image as background.

  • Very good Ivan... it did... only instead of putting the background to appear in div . bxslider I put in div . banner-backg .... Thank you so much for your help, you saved me here.

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